Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] [vb base] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Outsiders in the communities appear to be less opposed to the mining than ‘ real local feeling ’ .
2 It is almost impossible to pick holes in the Essex claim to be the best county side especially for three and four-day cricket .
3 Institutional investors have shown themselves , as in the Airtours-Owners battle to be less welcoming and more sceptical of bids than they were in the '80s .
4 The noise levels in hospitals in the USA seem to be similar .
5 According to Broadview , services companies in the UK tend to be more highly valued than their US counterparts , partly because of the greater demand for bespoke development here .
6 ‘ The courts in the UK appear to be reluctant to make an active statement one way or the other in this debate , ’ said Prof McLean .
7 Slaughtermen in the UK need to be licensed ( although the requirements are often easily met and there are no statutory national standards ) and those that I have observed take a grim pride in doing the job with efficiency .
8 Contemporary corporatist forms in the UK need to be distinguished from classical conceptions of this concept in some way because , while they incorporate working-class organization through the recruitment on a personal and unrepresentative basis of leadership figures , they are not responsive to any significant degree of pressure for working-class interests : hence , authoritarian corporatism .
9 Yet at the same time — here is the Red Queen effect again — there is no general reason for expecting either side in the arms race to be any more successful at doing its job than it was at the beginning of the arms race .
10 Put more bluntly , the Big Six in the US appear to be putting a pistol to the public 's head and saying : if you want continuation of the audit services we provide , then change the legal system so that we can maximise our economic return on our investment on auditing .
11 All the riders in the school appear to be girls , so unfortunately we will have to train from scratch in that department . ’
12 The egg from the ovary is the woman and the sperm from the testicles in the man continue to be produced but as their pathway through the fallopian tubes or vas deferens is blocked after the operation , they are removed by normal body process .
13 This collateral damage to otherwise healthy bits of tooth may in the end have to be dealt with itself .
14 We are still left with the dilemma that despite all the potential sophistication , the lymphocytes actually in the infection seem to be there using up energy for the sake of using up energy — like cars stuck in a traffic jam with their engines racing .
15 I do n't think it is possible to disagree about the high probability that a relationship exists , and that indeed children with higher levels of lead in the blood tend to be less intelligent ( and possibly more hyperactive ) than children with lower blood lead levels , although the differences are quite small , amounting to some 3 or 4 points of IQ .
16 The points made then were that the application is contrary to the stated policy of the local planning authority where new dwellings in the countryside have to be justified by agricultural need .
17 The dreams that subjects report in the laboratory tend to be mundane , and lack the bizarre quality of dreams reported in the morning .
18 Once the form is received the Employee Relations Officer in consultation with the Assistant Director — Human Resources will make a judgement about whether the circumstances outlined in the report require to be investigated in an appropriately confidential manager .
19 Theoretical explanations in the sciences tend to be of an essentially hypothetical nature .
20 I think this was because the cards in the pack have to be multi-purpose , that is , suitable for more than one stitch .
21 This means that short-term interest rates on loans due to mature in a year tend to be generally lower than the long-term interest rate on loans of longer maturity .
22 THE ACARD report on computer-aided design and manufacture gives two definitions of CAD : Computer-aided draughting : ‘ The use of a computer-based system for translating concepts or sketches into drawings suitable for use in manufacture , or for storing drawings or parts of drawings in a data bank to be available on call for modification , incorporating into a revised drawing , or as input to a subsequent manufacturing process . ’
23 As your co-trustee I have not been inattentive to my duty … and I in no shape deserve to be the object of the prosecution of my co-trustees .
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