Example sentences of "in [noun] with [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Grant-aid was available , but only in houses with rates below a certain level .
2 It is now possible , in England and Wales , for solicitors to practice in partnership with RFLs in an MNP , and for solicitors and RFLs to own shares in ( and by directors of ) an RB .
3 This sudden and often catastrophic event is most likely precipitated by fissuring of an underlying atheromatous plaque , as detailed analysis of obstructed coronary arteries at postmortem invariably shows that the thrombus is found in association with haemorrhage into a plaque .
4 President Lee Teng-hui 's plan to reform Taiwan 's obsolete political system entered a crucial phase in December with elections to a new National Assembly .
5 A good example of a swift corrective action being put in place with people from a variety of functions co-ordinating rapidly to help a customer solve his problem .
6 You can also ask to be put in contact with others in a similar position to yourself and if you want to you can always arrange to meet regularly or form a support group to discuss matters which are relevant to all of you in your day to day work .
7 This gives small fish an ideal resting place : but please treat any concrete in contact with water with a sealing agent such as G4 .
8 Lacy and the Valencian conspirators could count on wider support , from merchants like Beltrán de Lis — in contact with officers as an army contractor — to shoemakers and farmers .
9 During the war of 1914–18 the English working class were in contact with foreigners to an extent that is rarely possible .
10 The notion of a " post-Creole continuum " , first put forward by De Camp ( 1971 ) , is an attempt to explain the complex linguistic situation in those places where there is a long history of native speakers of British English in contact with speakers of an English-based Creole .
11 She also acknowledges the effect of code-switching on the Patois index : " In practice , because Patois was usually used in conjunction with English as a part of code-switching behaviour , most scores were considerably nearer to 100 than they were to 0 " ( p.79 ) .
12 Since the death of Tito in 1980 , and with the growing economic crisis , which is felt by Serbians to have particularly affected them ( although there is , in fact , little evidence that Serbia 's relative position has fallen in comparison with Yugoslavia as a whole ) , a growing number of Serb intellectuals have been looking back over the past and asking themselves whether Serbia was discriminated against under ‘ Titoist ’ rule .
13 These change slightly with the music as the plot unfolds and allow Giselle to develop from a simple peasant dancer in love with Albrecht to a tragically distraught maiden and finally to the ethereal Will .
14 Silk is used either on its own or in combination with wool by a number of individual weaving groups in all the major rug-making countries , with the exception of the Soviet Union , the Balkans and Pakistan , where very few silk or part-silk items are produced .
15 We had all been in Hawaii with Youth With A Mission ( YWAM ) taking part in the Crossroads Discipleship Training School , YWAM 's basic entry course for full time workers .
16 It was days before we managed to get in touch with Sylvia through a third party but luckily she was still fine .
17 Members are kept in touch with House through an annual Newsletter and a Summer Reunion , and are eligible for membership of UH Club and bar when living in , or visiting Birmingham .
18 An important distinction is between bonds which carry a fixed ( coupon ) rate of interest and floating-rate notes ( FRNs ) where the rate of interest varies in line with movements in a designated short-term rate .
19 However , in line with students as a whole , SERC specialists were also less likely to be seeking employment than those who studied on conversion Advanced Courses .
20 For Labour as for ‘ middle opinion ’ as a whole , increased State intervention and central direction went hand in hand with faith in a more rational and ordered treatment of social questions — an essentially technocratic approach — which found its most characteristic expression in the enthusiasm for ‘ planning ’ .
21 Ironically , they may , however , go hand in hand with visions of a new property ( see Chapter 11 ) .
22 To commemorate the visit , the Prime Warden the next year , Mr. John Prideaux ( whose father had been Clerk at the time of the 450th Anniversary ) , called at the School in April with designs of a second cup and cover , which was commissioned by the Company from Miss Jocelyn Burton and was presented to the Chairman and Headmaster in July 1974 .
23 At point Y on curve BT ice is in equilibrium with water at a temperature of 273 K ( 0°C ) and a pressure of one atmosphere .
24 Combating second-century Gnosticism , Irenaeus appealed to the ‘ public ’ doctrine taught in the churches of apostolic foundation by the successive bishops , and especially cited the succession-list of Rome , ‘ the very large , ancient , and universally known church founded by the two glorious apostles Peter and Paul ’ — for ( Irenaeus adds ) all believers everywhere in every church are necessarily in agreement with Rome as an apostolic foundation with a cosmopolitan membership and extensive dealings with other churches .
25 Police have arrested two different men in connection with robberies at a Redcar building society and a filling station in Grove Hill , Middlesbrough .
26 In fact , it may be added , we do not take ourselves to be faced with such an overwhelming task in connection with condition-sets for an effect , and hence for this reason too those sets are wrongly conceived as causal circumstances .
27 Significantly lower random haemoglobin A 1 values were found among patients in practices with access to a community or hospital dietitian , with a practice nurse skilled in diabetic care , or which ran miniclinics .
28 Officially , a spokesman for Trainload Freight sector said BR was in negotiation with PowerGen about a new contract , but it is understood that BR sees the contract cancellation as merely a negotiation ploy and feels a new deal could be struck .
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