Example sentences of "in [noun] an [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Give them a good shake , in case an interesting piece of paper has been used as a bookmark .
2 In particular , he was keen to be among the extras who despairingly crowded the rail as the ship went down — keen , you could say , to undergo in fiction an alternative version of history .
3 Like ‘ the Shadow ’ , this is in fiction an external force with physical effects of which sensitive characters like Legolas can be aware ; it appeals to a recognition of truth outside fiction , however , in its buried statements that clouds have silver linings , that fortune favours the brave , that even in reality things are not always as they seem .
4 Her latest publication , An Artist 's Journey ( Collins , £20 ) , is in part an autobiographical account of her life as an artist and her memories of artists she has known , from Graham Sutherland and Henry Moore to Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque , and in part a collection of 48 of her own paintings art insight into her unique fantasy world .
5 The new crisis , added to the continuing drain of redundancy payments , is in part an unfortunate consequence of AFRC 's very success in refocusing its activities .
6 In March an All-Russian Conference of Soviets met in Petrograd and created a Soviet Central Executive Committee .
7 In March an amended version of the Constitution will be sent to each member together with the 1985 Annual Report and the Agenda for the 1986 A.G.M.
8 In addition an annual dose of a slow-release organic fertiliser of blood , fish and bone is administered to the lawns and mixed borders .
9 In addition an annual match against the Oxford and Cambridge Golfing Society has been played at Henley in May each year since 1977 .
10 There is in Freud an explicit commitment to science as a method of gaining knowledge , this being understood to include speculative thought which is then checked against systematic observations of human action and behaviour .
11 To move , or appear to move , beyond this necessary empirical work , by the early construction of a general theoretical framework , is usually in practice an unargued transition from local and specific to general concepts .
12 At the same time it was ordered that in future an annual transcript of events should be sent to the bishop 's office .
13 In future an increasing amount of information will only be available to history students and teachers in machine-readable form .
14 Simons 's argument appeals to common sense but we need to bear in mind an alternative point of view .
15 On Yeltsin 's initiative , representatives of the Russian Federation , Byelorussia , Kazakhstan and the Ukraine on Feb. 4 had begun talks aimed at establishing what would be in effect an alternative union to that proposed in the draft Union Treaty .
16 In 1168 the Lusignans were nothing like as rich or powerful as the Counts of Angoulême , who ruled what was in effect an independent principality in the heart of Aquitaine , and yet it was Lusignan which seems to have been the storm centre of the revolt .
17 They were in effect an inferior kind of man , with no distinctive character of their own .
18 Luke stood up suddenly , his body like a savagely coiled spring holding in check an inner core of violence .
19 In January an armoured car of the type that had proved so useful to Trotsky 's campaign blocked the Tashkent-Moscow line and held up a locomotive that had been seized by an armed gang .
20 She was forced to concede , accepting in return an additional indemnity of 30 million taels , which China could ill afford to pay .
21 In that , they became a valuable ally of the BEA , enjoying in return an increasing influence over the latter on matters where presentational concessions could smooth the industry 's political path .
22 Moreover her rule saw in Russia an unprecedented growth of intellectual life and a flow and expression of ideas more free than ever before in the country 's history .
23 Escoffier gives a couple , and in England an eight-volume Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery , published in 1899 , gives a formula for candied tomatoes , several for jam , and another for green tomatoes to be stewed in a sugar syrup and eaten cold with cream .
24 We now have in place an extensive set of management procedures covering all operations , and we must build upon this success and make our business more efficient .
25 Now in drama an excessive degree of vested interest in either the technical aspects or in the substance of the subject-matter can upset the balance so that the ‘ game ’ of drama and the necessary spontaneity that goes with it disappear .
26 In Paris an abstract patchwork of colours by Serge Poliakoff , Composition -1966 , set an auction record for the artist at Fr3.6m ( £360,000 ) .
27 On arriving at Dingle , he had expected to be given charge of a spoilt , overdressed menina who would spend the whole voyage in her cot with her maidservant running about in attendance , so he had been pleasantly surprised to find in Sara an odd mixture of childish enthusiasm and womanly grace .
28 In Britain an elected chamber of Parliament coexists with one that is wholly non-elected and consists of the descendants of an hereditary feudal aristocracy together with a minority composed of the beneficiaries of the patronage of successive prime ministers .
29 In July , Liphook return to Yorkshire and in September an end-of-season tour to the Isle of Wight has been arranged .
30 However , it is more realistic to regard the Convention as primarily about the service of process which is in turn an essential step in the conduct of proceedings designed to secure the interests of the plaintiff .
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