Example sentences of "in [noun] and we [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He used to call here sometimes in spring and we would have the utmost difficulty in keeping his seraglio out of the house .
2 It is now 33 years since the last major air crash in Ayrshire and we must pray that there is never another .
3 She would joke about the young ‘ uns with fat bums , riding around in cars and we would marvel at the so-called disabled people dismounting briskly from buses or climbing energetically from orange-badged cars .
4 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
5 However , the C , C E C feels it needs to consult with regions , it needs more closely to examine the point in question and we would ask for reference of that resolution .
6 My fiancé 's brother plays the organ at his local church in Yorkshire and we 'd love to have him play at our wedding next year in Poole .
7 ‘ Perhaps you could let me have your number and then I 'll give you a call when Mr Steen is back in town and we could fix another appointment . ’
8 If they do suspect someone or know someone fitting the description , speak to us in confidence and we will investigate it .
9 ‘ I have to call at the bank , ’ Lowell told her , ‘ so we 'll do your birthday shopping in Bristol and we 'll use the van . ’
10 In practical terms , the information contained in the tombstone should always be general rather than specific and should be cleared with the parties named therein in advance and we should aim to ensure that publication does not breach the heads of agreement , confidentiality terms , sale and purchase contract or other agreements .
11 You can usually foresee what is going to happen , so please let us know in advance and we will arrange the best deal for you .
12 ‘ You carry on towards In Salah and we 'll see you between half-eleven and twelve . ’
13 If we could have it in writing and we could publicise it I 'm sure they would where to go and how to do it .
14 Athletics is the most successful sport in Britain and we should spend more time talking about that . ’
15 We 're here to establish INCUBUS solid in Europe and we 'll do it the American way … ’
16 And I think they have a tremendous contribution to make , and I think what we ought to be doing with er people who retire , it 's not to say the end of their working life , and therefore they 're on the scrap heap , but that it 's a new stage in life and we ought to honour them and respect them and I think , give them some er affirm where they 're at , and use them much more as the guardians of wisdom and the guardians of the stories of the community , and use them in that sort of way .
17 However anybody interested get in touch and we 'll sort things out .
18 All we can ask is if there 's a councillor for Allenton listening to us , if they could get in touch and we 'll put them in touch with you and see if we can start it all over again Henry .
19 Well I think much as I welcome the university proceeding down the road that it is , erm I have a very , very strong feeling that change is going to come from the bottom up , and I think that it 'll come from the bottom up in those colleges , like New College , who have got an increasingly large number of women fellows who feel that , you know , there 's safety in numbers and we can start to do something about it .
20 It was circular in shape and we could fit it up to take any number of wheels — three or four pairs if need be .
21 ‘ We are forecasting a very exciting time developing our activities in London and we will continue to gear our services to the clients requirements and ensure that our approach is a refreshing change . ’
22 We begin eighteen-ninety-eight in the most wonderful , wonderful manner — Joszef 's second cousin , he 's in Boston and we shall go there first .
23 Without this control the world would be in madness and we would end up with the laws of the jungle , where the strongest wins .
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