Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Charles Gordon , Strathclyde 's vice-chairman of roads and transportation , said Mr Freeman 's comments underlined the good reasons for the regional council 's refusal to invest further in rail unless it was assured the PTE was involved in franchising services .
2 or and then we used to have some gorgeous lamps that er we used to get in Chelsea that it was fasten on the wall and the lamp would come over on the shade , down and completely change , do you remember that ?
3 It was the grandest building in Montevideo when it was built , and adopted a style which seems to have been particularly congenial to Latin American nationalism , Second Empire .
4 Once changes have been made it is just as important to observe the modified unit in action as it was to conduct the initial trials .
5 Student nurse Carolyn Blanshard was in car when it was hit from behind .
6 The UN does not mind too much : it is determined not to repeat the mistakes made in Angola when it was landed with an inadequate mandate and impossible timetable .
7 The road was too rough for one thought to rest long in mind before it was cannoned out by another .
8 Plans by The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company to manage the Windsor Hotel in London ( the former BR headquarters at Marylebone ) appeared to be in jeopardy when it was announced that the hotel 's owners were facing financial difficulties .
9 In this endeavour the planners had support in Council since it was believed that national legislation had to be enforced and the result was that Orcadians suffered delays or refusals in their building applications .
10 The CRE investigation , its first against any named council or organisation in Scotland since it was set up in 1976 , will focus on alleged breaches of race relations and employment laws for failing to provide for children who do not speak English fluently and for failing fully to involve their parents .
11 The possibility of attacking Korea as part of this process was considered in May but it was decided that the Kyushu operation should be sufficient .
12 They regretted that there appeared to be no suitable places of safety in Orkney if it was found to be absolutely necessary to remove children from their homes .
13 Soon it would be said in England as it was said on the Continent , that a good Catholic is a man whose wife goes to church .
14 He was reviled as a so-called atheist but otherwise his thought received little attention , only becoming a main force in philosophy when it was rediscovered by German philosophers in the nineteenth century .
15 They include substantive conclusions about what would be different in philosophy if it were influenced by feminine rather than by masculine assumptions .
16 ‘ When I came to Hollywood in 1950 , the studio system was still in place but it was crumbling , ’ he told the author .
17 For the Elizabethan magus John Dee ( 1527–1608 ) , it was as imperative to study the specific characteristics of everything in nature as it was to understand the controlling influence of the stars .
18 My Lords , er the principle of co-option has been described as by a number of Your Lordships as an extension of principal of democracy , but I call on my experience not as er of a year as er Minister for the Police under my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw , but my three years as Minister for the Prison Service er and er in that er service , there was erm in each prison a Board of Prison Visitors and I observed during that time that the membership of the prison population was becoming increasingly black , but that the membership of the er Boards of Prison Governors was remaining stubbornly white and I er put it , I made it then that I thought there should be something to redress this balance er the system is as it were a supervised co-option , the local er Board makes a proposal and the Minister approves or does n't , but also I had to refuse five successive of proposed co-options of white members to an all-white prison board for a prison which was predominantly black in population because it was alleged there were no suitable black people available .
19 You see one of the rules is that you keep money in cash until it was invested .
20 The goods were damaged in transit and it was held that the seller was in breach of his duty under section 32(2) and the buyer was entitled to reject the goods .
21 And they had the time worked out for every policeman the length of time he was allowed to travel from court to home and back again and you added that time to the time you were engaged in court and it was worked out to the minute — worked out officially how long it took the tram .
22 The students and others were highly critical of the Dip.AD for a number of reasons , not all of them compatible : that it did not impart a sound technical training and failed to produce good design practitioners ; that it was becoming so academic in content that it was losing touch with the market-place ; that its status was popularly regarded as inferior to that of courses in other subjects which led to the award of degrees ; and that instead of a network of inter-related courses imparting a wide range of studies , it offered only a small number of ladder-like disciplines .
23 In the past two years it has grown by more than 35 per cent , and anyone who put in £3,000 when it was launched , in April 1988 , will have seen their investment swell to £4,267 .
24 The master at this time , J.W. , was in trouble when it was reported that he had been boarding some of the officers and two of their relatives in his own apartments under a private arrangement .
25 Share prices rose again in mid-January after it was announced that John Kerridge , chairman of Fisons , had resigned for health reasons .
26 She had never been less communicative either in speech or in manner and it was remarked on by Mrs Browning with curiosity .
27 In the first place , it had to compete with already established religions in regions where it was trying to gain a foothold — with the religions of Syria , Phoenicia , Asia Minor , Greece , Egypt , the whole of the Mediterranean world and beyond , the Roman Empire .
28 I had previously caught two individuals of H. tricolor in the Malaise trap but until then it had not been recorded in Britain although it was known from Germany and Japan .
29 It was needed in Britain and it was needed right across the British Empire .
30 One version of what then ensued caused an uproar in France when it was published , a few months later , in Le Matin — through the evident complicity of a coterie of officers ardently desiring to install de Castelnau on Joffre 's throne .
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