Example sentences of "in [noun] [conj] [pron] [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Clinton tells Vanity Fair , apparently without weighing the truth of the charges against Mr Bush : ‘ What Bill does n't understand is you 've got ta do the same thing in response as you do in negative advertising . ’
2 I shall nevertheless vote against the motion and I shall vote for the amendment although as much as I wished it had happened or , or erm a different proposal to Mr because I do n't think it helps your argument when you call your opponents instead of arguing face and er unlike Mr I actually do believe its in subsidiarity and I think we should accept Leicester and Leicester only and what the Leicester hunt will do should be decided here in Leicester , not in Westminster , er any more than the composition of our offices should be , should be decided in Brussels and I believe in subsidiarity .
3 The mutualities of their friendship have been incorporated in the two worlds in question as they figure in Amis 's novel , where unattractiveness is a category as definite as mumps and the unattractive are absolutely and permanently unattractive to one another .
4 ‘ I find it interesting that we have produced more players of other colours in rugby than they have in our cricket .
5 Its manufacturers employ more workers in Guangdong than they do in Hong Kong ; its hotels are filled with tourists and salesmen en route for Peking and Guilin ; its accountants , bankers and lawyers service thousands of foreign firms wide-eyed about the profits which they believe will one day be made from a billion Chinese consumers .
6 The scope of this judgment is such that it is also likely that member states are liable in damages where they act in breach of Community law which results in an individual or company suffering loss .
7 I see this point of view from my own position as a third generation commuter between Harrogate and Leeds , and as a third generation commuter I do n't feel that it is a commentary on any absence of jobs in Harrogate or any shortage of jobs in Harrogate that I work in Leeds and live in Harrogate , it 's just something I 've grown up to think of as natural .
8 Ear lobes , of course , on a whale would pose problems underwater where streamlining is so important and in any event , they would not perform as efficiently in water as they do in air .
9 Aggressive in terms that we fight in the market place for for clients and that we er then if that 's what aggressive means the answer to that is yes .
10 But the term could be extended , so that kangaroos might be said to represent deer in Australia because they live in something like the same way .
11 ‘ I have the same involvement in soccer as I do in your case , ’ he concluded .
12 Questions may look all right on paper simply because we accept a more formal style in writing than we do in speech , but they may sound absolutely frightful when put into speech .
13 Those improvements in the ambulance service will apply in Cornwall as they apply in the rest of the country .
14 You know more about a guy in one night in bed than you do in months of conversation , ’ she once said .
15 Parents have been selected to become erm , relatively insensitive to signs of distress in the offspring , because erm , as where they cry wolf all the time , and as a result , erm , parents do n't take crying as seriously in children as they do in adults .
16 ‘ Managers value different attributes in men than they do in women , which often reinforces gender stereotypes . ’
17 to erm the the pattern of development going on in Richmondshire and I suspect in other districts as well , having read through their their evidence .
18 You stand nearly three times as much chance of getting a police caution in Kent as you do in South Wales .
19 What are possibly the rubbish heaps of Our Mutual Friend loomed even larger in fact than they do in fiction .
20 No systematic attempt is made at this point to resolve the many doubts about the details of Hocazade 's career , particularly the dates of his various appointments , since his career impinges on those of a number of Muftis and the conflicts are more appropriately discussed in detail where they arise in these contexts .
21 Generally , most stockbrokers and financial advisers charge the same rate of commission on bargains in convertibles as they do in equities .
22 It matters a lot to many people in Bolton whether they live in Manchester or Lancashire .
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