Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] [noun] as a " in BNC.

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1 ( So much so that when , at the 1989 party conference , a delegate got up to speak in defence of Sunday as a day of worship , he was met with a chorus of boos from shopkeepers on the floor . )
2 Frequently used in discussions about scanners as a measure of their ability to capture halftone images .
3 The results in this paper demonstrate that a portion of the VZV 140k protein comprising the C-terminal portion of region 1 and all of the conserved region 2 can be expressed in isolation in E.coli as a non-fusion DNA binding domain peptide that interacts with multiple sequences in the VZV gene 62 promoter .
4 Senna drove a Chevrolet 1992 car in Phoenix on Sunday as a guest of fellow Brazilian and twice Formula One champion Emerson Fittipaldi .
5 The profession has hailed the recent ruling in favour of the taxpayer by the House of Lords in Pepper v Hart as a landmark decision and a victory for commonsense .
6 On 24 November 1942 Hillary joined No. 54 Operational Training Unit at Charter Hall in Berwickshire for training as a night fighter pilot .
7 They could soon soar as companies seek pan-European economies of scale in areas like logistics as a response to cut-price competition .
8 The contrast between the two men of near-identical appearance is shown in a less formal , more novelistic manner in the character of the King , depicted in The Prisoner of Zenda as a weak , pleasure-loving young man trying to equip himself for his destiny and in Rupert of Hentzau as a man ill in body , weaned by matters of state , gradually coming to resent his obligations to the man whose courage and energy have twice saved his position for him and burdened by jealous suspicions of his wife 's fidelity .
9 The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) has drawn up a five-year conservation programme aimed at preserving livestock breeds which are in danger of extinction as a result of the spread of Western farming practices .
10 The Middle East Economic Digest ( MEED ) of March 8 quoted an Algerian Red Cross official as saying that an estimated 9,000,000 Iraqis were in danger of disease as a result of medical shortages , and that the mortality rate in emergency cases had risen from 6 per cent to 20 per cent .
11 The idea of social security as a proper charge on the State , and of the use in consequence of taxation as a means of distributing wealth more widely , lay well beyond the British political horizon .
12 Lacy and the Valencian conspirators could count on wider support , from merchants like Beltrán de Lis — in contact with officers as an army contractor — to shoemakers and farmers .
13 Any increase in price per person as a result of a part cancellation eg. underoccupancy , is not a cancellation charge and is not covered by our insurance .
14 The retention of the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher as a form of ‘ back-up ’ to this liability would go some way to meet this point , though the Royal Commission 's preference , for reasons of certainty , was for the abolition of that rule .
15 She also acknowledges the effect of code-switching on the Patois index : " In practice , because Patois was usually used in conjunction with English as a part of code-switching behaviour , most scores were considerably nearer to 100 than they were to 0 " ( p.79 ) .
16 Perceptual and cognitive factors in literacy by touch as a second reading
17 Since the death of Tito in 1980 , and with the growing economic crisis , which is felt by Serbians to have particularly affected them ( although there is , in fact , little evidence that Serbia 's relative position has fallen in comparison with Yugoslavia as a whole ) , a growing number of Serb intellectuals have been looking back over the past and asking themselves whether Serbia was discriminated against under ‘ Titoist ’ rule .
18 At the same time , the historian is liable to think in terms of England as a nation , and of English society as essentially one .
19 I feel quite firmly that the only way forward is to move to the situation where marketers control not only what they spend but also the presentation of sales results in terms of changes as a result of alternative contributory factors .
20 Lastly , in terms of chemistry as a career , is it a good career these days , Peter ?
21 Peter Maddison , Head of the International School of the Algarve ( Porches , 8400 Lagoa ) has done a lot of work in the area of content in language teaching , particularly in respect of French as a foreign language .
22 As an Irish lesbian , I was expected to denounce my Irishness in favour of acceptability as a token English dyke .
23 There is a projected complete recording of this , which may help to tip the balance in favour of Weill as a theatre composer , rather than one whose songs are fast becoming the province only of the recitalist , whether on the concert platform or in a smoky cellar .
24 It is widely assumed that ‘ real ’ country people are in favour of development as a source of new jobs and housing while the rich commuter is only concerned to protect his equity and a style of living which has never been available to the locals .
25 The decision was reported to have been reached after a long and tense debate in which a more moderate current , headed by the Imam Abdelkader al-Hachani , a mining engineer in his early thirties , argued in favour of participation as a necessary step towards the creation of an Islamic state .
26 But if we reject this view in favour of memory as a property of the brain as a system , rather than of its individual cellular and molecular components , then memory will depend not on distinct biochemistry but on just which cells and synapses are showing the changes , where they are located in the nervous system , and which other cells they make contact with .
27 Commentators claimed that it would help Sevan in his efforts to persuade hardline mujaheddin groups , in particular Gulbuddin Hekmatyar 's Hezb-i-Islami , to attend an " Afghan gathering " in Europe in April as a first step towards the establishment of an interim government .
28 At a wider level , in relation to society as a whole , it might equally be questioned how dominant collectivism and state provision have ever been in the US .
29 To understand any part of society , such as the family or religion , the part must be seen in relation to society as a whole .
30 North Shields and Cramlington contain an interesting set of sub-localities in which almost all the issues relating to residence in relation to base as an aspect of social differentiation can be investigated .
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