Example sentences of "in [noun] [noun] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 The alkaline denaturation of plasmid DNA is an essential step in plasmid sequencing and it is commonly carried out with 0.2N NaOH at room temperature for 10 minutes ( 3 ) .
2 ‘ There are a lot of collectors in Los Angeles and it is very hard to satisfy them all .
3 Much of these data , however , are also suitable for hypothesis-testing — indeed the data are of higher quality than those generally used in research studies because it is not usually practicable to ask academics from a wide range of areas to adopt uniform teaching , assessment and reporting practices solely to permit educational research to occur .
4 Well there 's that awful saying in football Lucy that it 's a funny old game , it often bears the truth .
5 For example , it would n't stretch the truth too much to assume that the organization of the visual system is the same in rhesus monkeys as it is in humans .
6 Robert III may have been born in Dundonald Castle and it is certain that he spent much of his life there before he became king .
7 and if the , the hill up to the chapel it 's in Down Patrick and it 's on the very top of the hill and it 's it 's deep that
8 There are local sceptical arguments of this strongest type , as we shall see in chapter 5 ( our knowledge of other minds ) ; and in our discussion of our knowledge of the past and of the future ( chapters 10 and 11 ) we shall have to bear in mind arguments that it is impossible to conceive of an event as other than present , i.e. as being in the past or in the future .
9 The general implications of this would be that fixed information is very seldom attended to in the judgment phase ( and possibly in normal driving ) and on those occasions in recognition tests when it is attended to , rather than aiding recognition sensitivity , its unfamiliarity simply biases subjects towards calling all stimuli distractors .
10 The elderly , unemployed , the less skilled , single-parent families , larger families are all concentrated in council tenure because it is the only form of tenure to which they may have easy access .
11 People in Bodenham object because it 's in a conservation area and they say the proposed houses would be too expensive for local people .
12 The police have been criticised for their low prosecution record in rape cases and it is most unlikely that domestic rape would have been dealt with more enthusiastically .
13 It will then learn to poke sticks in termite mounds when it is hungry .
14 The identification of fire arms is not difficult in crash wreckage but it is less easy to be certain that an explosion on board an aircraft in flight resulted from a bomb or perhaps a disintegrating turbine disc or an explosive decompression of the cabin .
15 Although Koehler ( 1914 ) suggested that O. nodosa was conspecific with O. anomala several differences are apparent , O. anomala differing from O. nodosa by the following characters : 1 , the jaw appears narrower than O. nodosa ; 2 , the apical and oral papillae do not appear to be as long nor as widely separated from each other as in O. nodosa ; 3. the distalmost oral papilla is often large and flap like in O. anomala but long and flattened like the other papillae in O. nodosa ; 4. the shape of the oral shields differs in O. anomala where it is rounded pentagonal with a rounded to obtuse proximal angle , straight lateral sides and a straight or slightly rounded distal edge , in O. nodosa it is a more ornate pentagonal shape with an obtuse proximal angle , slightly indented lateral sides and a rounded distal edge or one with a slight median projection ; 5. the ventral arm spines of O. anomala are slightly rugose with small or no secondary points doing the shaft ; those of O. nodosa have very prominent secondary points along the shaft ; 6. the ventral arm plates of O. anomala appear to be narrow and less axehead shaped than O. nodosa .
16 Hypertext is becoming of some significance as an underlying structure in multimedia design and it is important , therefore , that we describe it , if only briefly , before we conclude our survey of the technological environment from which multimedia is emerging .
17 Indeed I have my breakfast at dinner-time , somewhere around 11.30 a.m. that 's the time for the main meal of the day in farming circles since it is normal for those who live from the land to rise at first light .
18 you did overlook death in service benefits and it is important when you 're doing life cover to take
19 If the policy-making area is technical and complex , public officials have a decided advantage , even though the state may not have a total monopoly of technically relevant knowledge in policy areas where it is pursuing corporatist arrangements .
20 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
21 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
22 Martin Lee , an outspoken campaigner for democracy in Hong Kong before it is handed over , said : ‘ China has declared war on the people of Hong Kong .
23 Some users preferred LIBERTAS 's default brief-record display in subject searching because it is quicker to scan than Okapi 's full records .
24 We have already traced the development of CD information media from their origin in CD Audio but it is important to re-emphasise that much of the prospects for multimedia 's future success lies in the established and fast-growing base of CD Audio players .
25 There is little doubt in police circles that it is , in fact , a Republican front . ’
26 Go in mummies car if it 's smaller to get in places , daddy .
27 Although ‘ laicisation ’ is a process that has become universal in the Western world , it is in North America where it is at its most advanced .
28 The CFI at Nelson , Jenny Frame ( the only lady aero club CFI I met during my trip , though the proportion of female instructors and pilots seems much higher in New Zealand than it is in the UK ) told me that although this state of affairs was unusual , a great deal of their flying did normally comprise scenic flights for tourists .
29 Meanwhile , Intel vociferously denied to Unigram last week suggestions circulated on the InterNet by GE 's research and development Center in New York that it 's hit a brick wall with its P5 design , is not getting the yields and is on a crash redesign course that would delay the parts until the end of next year .
30 In my opinion religion will always be here and I feel that there is a place for it in tomorrows society as it is all around us and in everything we do .
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