Example sentences of "in [pron] [pers pn] can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This doctrine appears in an altered form in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads where Wordsworth tells us that he had written about ‘ low and rustic life … because in that situation the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity ’ .
2 This is supported by Wordsworth 's defence of his choice of the common people as subject matter — ‘ Low and rustic life was generally chosen , because in that condition the essential passions of the heart find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity … ’
3 For the Prime Minister and his colleagues , the House can be useful in providing a forum in which they can explain their policies and it is , in any case , necessary to legalize government actions and to vote money .
4 Keep your notes legible Notes must be in a form in which they can serve you later .
5 The loose , fine tufts of roots of these plants will provide an ideal haven for the fish , and also spawning areas in which they can lay their eggs .
6 Increasingly , however , the professionals concerned are finding ways in which they can do their own jobs properly , while working together for the child 's benefit .
7 In a new pool they often die because the water has not matured and there is insufficient debris on the pool floor in which they can make their home .
8 Because beliefs about ourselves are self-fulfilling , these people will continue to find themselves in situations in which they can prove themselves right .
9 It is through no fault of those people that they did not receive the money , but there is no way in which they can receive it .
10 And to help them through their carbon-copy situation , they are also studying ways in which they can emulate our enterprise challenge .
11 The aim is to help participants identify their own learning needs in this area and to then suggest ways in which they can increase their knowledge e.g. by providing a suitable booklist on cultural background and immigrant experiences .
12 Students are encouraged to take an active part and regular sessions are held in which they can criticize their teachers .
13 I wo n't go into the EMG system in extreme detail , because we 're presently preparing a special acoustic pickup article in which we can compare it against the other big names , but it seems to suit the Lowden very well .
14 Does he agree that one of the most useful ways in which we can give them know-how is to tell them how we managed , in the light of the Maastricht agreement , to reject the principle of monetary union ?
15 Recently , I met with er , the probation people from Social Services to discuss exactly what Major has asked about , which is follow up on juvenile fire setters , and find out if there 's any way in which we can modify their behaviour .
16 Erm this whole problem does give ministers erm a great deal of tension and heart searching erm and er we 're in the throws of , of , of looking for a leaflet that 's gon na help ministers faced with er parents who come and have to be turned away because we feel embarrassed , we feel erm the weight of our , our turning away people and our inability to minister the grace of God to them , although I 'd of thought gravity of but er anyway erm er but we have this problem and erm it seems to me that one way out of it is to pick up on what our brother from the Church of England said and look at new rites , and new ways in which we can open our arms to a public out there which is desperately in need of rites of passage .
17 Is there an objective way in which we can judge which is the truly best strategy , in a more general and less arbitrary sense ?
18 Let us consider possible distortions and ways in which we can minimize their effect .
19 Royal Mail spokesman Adam Novak said : ‘ The twin town award scheme is just one way in which we can demonstrate our commitment to the European single market by recognising the extensive contribution twin towns all over the UK have made in furthering the development of international communications . ’
20 They give you a cooling off period of seven days in which you can change your mind , have second thoughts , and cancel the credit agreement .
21 For further information about the ways in which you can make your home more energy efficient and make the most of the fuel you buy , ring 01-691 9000 and ask for a copy of the Home Energy Fact Files .
22 No they 're not gon na exploit their own workers but surely the , the , the whole idea of the build up towards land reform is that you are making , I mean in a Marxist sense it 's the only way in which you can do it is , is you make progress through conflict .
23 Indoors , there are many ways in which you can adapt your environment to suit the needs of your pets .
24 There are many ways in which you can improve your chances of becoming pregnant before you need to involve your doctor .
25 Erm , the point perhaps of , of , of the thing is , it 's called the Team Focus , and hopefully for that very reason what we 're trying to do is to look at the way in which you can improve your performance together if you like , erm , and it would be very interesting to see what Jack and Linda can contribute to this in that , people who 've worked together for sort of six or seven years , erm , ought to be able to show us something .
26 If there is n't , ask what is a realistic period in which you can expect your accounts to be paid , add a margin of 50 per cent and allow for this in your profit margins and liquidity levels .
27 Here is another way in which you can lord it over you players .
28 There are ways in which you can soften it .
29 With modern varieties there are so many ways in which you can grow them , such as unheated greenhouses , outdoor patio pots and tubs and trailing bounteous croppers for hanging baskets .
30 Clearly , it is important to consider each of the ways in which you can safeguard your equipment because it is no use avoiding all the flying hazards if you are going to write off your glider on the ground .
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