Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun] [conj] [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 I had an awful pain in my chest and did not know whether it was a coronary or indigestion .
2 She had spurned the hypocritical cant beloved of politicians and addressed herself directly to the people , showing how well she knew them , telling them what they whispered in their hearts but dared not speak , calling their bluff !
3 Check that all cables are firmly in their sockets and have not worked loose .
4 The volumes began appearing in their scores and have not stopped .
5 She looked sharply out of the window and produced a handkerchief which she held clenched in her hand but did not use .
6 There was a blaze in her eyes that had not been there before and he could see at once that she would not be at all manageable .
7 Braque , on the other hand , although he was only six months younger than Picasso , was slower in his development and had not yet established himself as a particularly original or significant painter ; indeed , Braque subsequently came to feel that the paintings he executed in Antwerp during the summer of 1906 were his first creative works .
8 One of them contained a silver sixpence which Frankie turned in his fingers but did not remove in case Sweetheart , in her present bad mood , took it away from him .
9 Mr McGregor still suffers from a reduced function in his arms and has not been able to return to work .
10 The reason for the apparent lack of confidence was clearly the fact that Elsworth had suspended operations for some while because of coughing in his yard and had not had a winner for almost six weeks .
11 Maurin was absorbed in his client and did not see Rain enter .
12 If you wish to be included in our order and have not already told us , do so in writing WITHOUT DELAY .
13 At times we may realise that we ‘ know ’ something in our mind that has not come about through reasoning .
14 Look for the good in your stepgrandchildren and try not to compare them unfavourably with your natural grandchildren .
15 Are any post-operative observations or procedures carried out in your ward that have not been mentioned in this chapter ?
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