Example sentences of "in [art] new [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A radioactive leak has been found in the newest reactor of Bulgaria 's troubled Kozloduy nuclear power station .
2 This is a dream of an entry level computer : A 25MHz Intel386SX system with full 386 compatibility , plenty of disk space and memory to keep you going now and into the future , everything you need to get started in the newest version of Windows ( one of the new ‘ standards ’ in business computing ) , and most important of all , the peace of mind and rock-solid warranties afforded by the Dell Customer Satisfaction Charter .
3 Why this is so and hints on how to centre quickly are given in the newest edition of Gliding ( A & C Black ) .
4 Contrary to the old view that monks and nuns were brutally discarded into the roads to swell a growing army of miserable vagrants , most of them did remarkably well , with posts in the new Church of England or pensions .
5 It is pleasant to see the same easy charm , quiet confidence and obliging manner re-establish itself in the new generation of ownership .
6 Ian Crofton , currently editorial director of Guinness Reference , joins the Pan Macmillan board as an associate director on 29th March in the new position of publishing director for reference books .
7 Rather than the buildings it was the lights and circulation in the new centre of Paris — on the Avenue de l'Opéra , the Boulevard Madeleine , the Boulevard des Capucines , the Rue Auber , the Boulevard des Italiens — which attracted the foreign visitor and was registered in the cityscapes of Monet and Renoir in the 1970s .
8 It is destined to be a key object in the new Museum of Scotland .
9 Deep well-springs of ideas were tapped and a new Renaissance set in motion by men who were unafraid to let their spirits roam in the new universe of science and invention .
10 Once the contraceptive pill ( invented in 1952 ) had become available and accepted and made any further baby boom unlikely , years of frustrated and dammed-up feminism were ready to burst in the new wave of women 's liberation .
11 party in the new constituency of South Essex .
12 Excellent support was provided to business units and on contracts , and to the Development Group in the new activity of ORION Satellite DGPS .
13 Parys , who had become Poland 's first civilian National Defence Minister on his appointment in the new government of December 1991 , had provoked controversy by forcing the former Defence Minister , Vice-Adml .
14 In the new government of June 1983 the move to a more homogeneous Cabinet was continued .
15 She never forgets that it 's Howard to whom they all owe their place in the new order of things .
16 Saddam Hussein delivered a speech on March 26 at the ceremony to swear in the new Council of Ministers in which he acknowledged that the forthcoming period would be a difficult one for the new ministers ; he said that they would be given between four and six months to demonstrate whether or not they were capable of doing their job properly .
17 Key portfolios remained largely unchanged in the new Council of Ministers appointed on May 16 .
18 And while Britain accepted the rise of Ibn Saud in the new country of Saudi Arabia , she also kept faith with the tiny emirates along the western flank of Arabia from Kuwait to Oman , over which she had exercised protection for more than a hundred years .
19 The railway industry had a propaganda purpose in the streamlining of outlines and in the new doctrine of modernism in these years .
20 In a closing statement the 195 delegates declared that the congress was " held in the new spirit of peace and co-operation of eastern European peoples " , and that the federation would " serve the interests and the moral and intellectual renewal of all Hungarians " and would be " independent from political parties and governments " .
21 In the new spirit of partnership , there were also benefits on offer from contractors .
22 Sixteen parties were represented in the new Chamber of Deputies ; about 50 different parties or groupings had put up candidates .
23 Since the April 1992 elections [ see p. 38869 ] these parties together commanded a slim majority of 16 , with 331 seats in the new Chamber of Deputies .
24 Opposition to Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic grew in May , but an opposition boycott of elections to the republican and federal legislatures on May 31 allowed his Socialist Party of Serbia ( SPS ) to win 61 per cent of the vote and 73 seats in the new Chamber of Citizens [ full results will be given in the next News Digest ] .
25 Dr Janet Campbell , who took charge of child and maternal welfare in the new Ministry of Health in 1919 , believed that the dangers of underfeeding and anaemia were more acute than any danger resulting from the work itself , although fatigue was identified as a major problem .
26 36 held in the new Battle of Waterloo
27 ‘ The test of whether the changes in Mr Major 's new Cabinet are cosmetic or real lies in the new Secretary of State 's response to this appalling situation , ’ said Mr Blair .
28 When William Wilson , Chairman of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners , introduced a Bill for the free feeding of schoolchildren by local authorities , early in the new session of Parliament , both the government and civil servants were unprepared , but in view of its considerable support in and out of Parliament , they agreed to support the Bill .
29 I hope , therefore , in the new session of Parliament , time will be set aside for a debate on current conditions in , and the future of , Northern Ireland prisons .
30 That defeat effectively extinguished the independence of the Bohemian kingdom which did not find expression again until 1918 in the new state of Czechoslovakia .
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