Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] has " in BNC.

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1 Prost 's result does little to further his cause in the championship if he has to drop his lower scores but Senna now knows that he must win the final two races in Japan and Australia .
2 And Iran is as unpopular in the West as it has ever been .
3 This belief in ‘ independence ’ is well entrenched in the West and it has developed out of a general mistrust of centralized political power and of power that had historically not tolerated the free expression of dissenting views .
4 Football has not played as great a part in the company as it has in previous years .
5 I do n't know why he 's living in the cottage when he has a home elsewhere — and a wife . ’
6 Rather than merely assert that what we desire is already reality , therefore , I would argue that our job is to discuss the contradictions and possibilities in the law as it has developed historically , as part of and in response to political and economic struggles .
7 Erm there 's tremendous pressures I think for for a mother particularly erm at the early stage in the marriage when she has young children at home .
8 This is a prodigiously deep fissure or cave system in the mass if which has still not been fully explored but which by 1979 had been traced by speleologists to a depth of 4,400 feet .
9 They are communities in the sense that one has a sense of ‘ belonging ’ in them , and in the sense that Shetlanders belonging to each are said to be distinguishable by special characteristics in dialect or , less often ( and more humorously ) , by difference in mentality and general attitudes .
10 Salim is now homeless in the sense that he has shed an old tendency to nostalgia : ‘ the idea of going home , of leaving , the idea of the other place ’ , he takes to be weakening and destructive .
11 In this country there is probably no river or wetland which is ‘ natural ’ in the sense that it has never been interfered with by man ; but river systems have two major characteristics which have enabled their wildlife in all its original complexity to survive interference better than most other systems .
12 The notion of randomness is especially unclear , in the sense that it has never been defined in any consistent way .
13 Not the threat from the Soviet Union , except in the sense that it has become more serious .
14 This can be taken to mean that the work has already been printed for a limited number of people by private gift or circulation , but has not been published in the sense that it has been offered to the general public .
15 It must be like an Ord 14 affidavit in the sense that it has to be sworn by the plaintiff or someone authorised to do so ( eg his solicitor or legal executive ) and if it is sworn by someone other than the plaintiff , the affidavit has to state specifically that the deponent is duly authorised by the plaintiff to make the affidavit on his behalf .
16 There are so many works of art in the church that it has been declared a museum and is included as such on the official list of Milanese museums .
17 McWilliams is one of the most talented jump jockeys in the land but he has not always been flavour of the month and that 's a pity .
18 Because most of what I have said is fair m most of the case that I wish to put er has come out in the discussion that there has just been .
19 Answer guide : The reason for choosing this example is that this particular area is subject to rapid changes in technology which make estimation of useful life extremely difficult as in many cases there is still utility in the asset but it has been superseded by a ‘ better ’ alternative .
20 Whether you are going abroad on holiday or business , The Royal Bank of Scotland allows you to relax in the knowledge that everything has been taken care of ; travellers cheques and eurocheques , foreign currency , Access , Visa and travel insurance .
21 Taylor pointed out one of the things about great players who are given freedom is that they work very hard , and Gascoigne is prepared to do that , even in the knowledge that he has been given a special licence .
22 The popular Scot might not relish the thought of another 10 months on the road , but at least he departs his home in the West of Scotland secure in the knowledge that he has overcome the chronic putting problems which at one time threatened to end his career .
23 The phrase represented a manner of thinking about the world very different from that which he had worked out in his own thinking about liberty as perfect obedience to the will of God : an obedience of a will so attuned to the source of order in the universe that there has ceased to be any constraint in obeying .
24 A small number of people have been infected through transfusions in the past but there has never been a risk in donating blood or having a blood sample taken .
25 The inhibiting effect of sedimentation on corals has been stressed in the past and it has been said that the absence of corals from the mouths of large rivers , for example those of south-east Asia , is due to the amount of fine suspended sediment .
26 Whether a field officer works from his area office ( in the southern authority ) or from home ( in the northern ) , contact with colleagues will normally be in the office , which he will visit every day , even during those occasional hectic days out in the field when he has to catch up on his sampling schedule .
27 Paul has been extremely tactful in the way that he has corrected them .
28 What we have not previously considered is that a cultural trait may have evolved in the way that it has , simply because it is advantageous to itself .
29 No doubt it is because of the vision to train in this way that Ichthus has been able to grow in the way that it has done .
30 In research terms , this has shown itself in the way that it has become perfectly acceptable to use a wide variety of research techniques in one study , and to use different techniques for the study of different topics .
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