Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] [v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Probably more than half of the two million living species of invertebrates making up this proportion live in the seas covering our planet , and perhaps half of these are found in the tropical waters from where aquarium subjects are collected .
2 I made several speeches in the Lords propounding my belief that the Biafran side should have had our support , and I still believe we would have been very much better off had that ensued .
3 " The women going about in the streets showing their nakedness to everyone who passes .
4 ‘ So do you still find anything suspicious in the circumstances surrounding your discovery of the yacht Hirondelle ? ’
5 He and Auntie Lucy moved to a small cottage nearby , but he continued to keep sheep in the fields surrounding our home .
6 An innovation in organisation sectorisation resulted in the regions losing their business roles and becoming purely the providers of services and facilities .
7 Yet she knew it was there , in the background , darkening all her thoughts , rendering her sleepless in the nights following their departure and also confirming something of which she had been dimly aware for a long time .
8 ‘ Were the French envoys an exception , particularly in the days preceding his death ? ’
9 Among the controversial issues which any negotiations would have to address were the following [ see also p. 36837 for so-called " Harare declaration " on ANC proposals for future negotiations , and p. 36912 for earlier policy guidelines ] : ( i ) nationalization : in press interviews in the days following his release , Mandela had reasserted the ANC 's stated policy of nationalizing certain sectors of the economy , including mines — this immediately provoked sharp falls on South African financial markets [ see also p. 37176 ] ; ( ii ) the armed struggle : Mandela had refused to renounce this policy , repeating on Feb. 14 that government installations were legitimate targets for sabotage [ ibid. ] ; ( iii ) power-sharing : the government and the ANC still appeared to be a long way apart on interpretation — the ANC for its part was not prepared to accept an arrangement similar to the current tri-cameral parliament ; ( iv ) sanctions : Mandela had already stated that " the conditions for which sanctions are being applied still exist " and thus there was no need for a review of the question [ for UK Prime Minister 's unilateral decision to break EC agreement on voluntary sanctions see below ] .
10 This remained the leitmotif of a torrent of radio , television and newspaper interviews Heseltine gave in the days following his resignation .
11 You can hasten this recovery process by relaxing , resting and eating well in the days following your run .
12 If you believe the Thames Valley CID — not the account they gave at the inquest , when the events were still fresh in everyone 's minds , but the one they came up with in the months following my return to this country — then having lured Dennis on to the river and dosed him with draughts of spiked bubbly , Karen and I went ‘ One , two , three ’ and heaved him overboard .
13 In the months following his elevation , three considerations pushed Franco towards drastically altering this situation .
14 A remarkable film of 1955 , Rebel without a Cause , claimed as ‘ new realism ’ when it was first screened , showed delinquent boys and girls in the mid-teens proving their worth in ‘ chicken ’ contests whose violence , distorted as it is by social pressures , does express a genuine personal pride : the dares and challenges of the groups of Hell 's Angels today , leading to criminal actions , have a distant debased origin in the concept of honour .
15 Purists might argue he should 've been out in the colds using his sketchbook , instead of a camera , but he disagrees .
16 In the weeks preceding her dismissal , she was beset by rumours of dissent within her own party and on Aug 5 it was announced that the Combined Opposition Parties intended to table a motion of no confidence against her government .
17 Under pressure from Russian nationalists , however , Yeltsin had made increasingly overt statements in the weeks preceding his visit suggesting that the time was not right for any major alteration in the status of the disputed territory , and calling for greater Japanese flexibility on the issue of the sovereignty of the islands .
18 In the weeks following her arrest Jacqueline Droully was seen by other prisoners in secret detention centres run by the Directorate of National Intelligence ( DINA ) , the security police at the time .
19 In the weeks following his bedding of Rose , Lowell gave himself to her totally .
20 There were photographs of her in the few parts she had been able to play in the years following her marriage ; photographs of her in youth , when her father had begun to launch her on the career which would be interrupted by the coming of Paul .
21 In the years following his proof of the existence of other galaxies , Hubble spent his time cataloging their distances and observing their spectra .
22 Indeed , Bakhtin provides an example of someone whose thought has only become influential in the years following his death .
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