Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] [coord] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 Assistant mechanic Jonas found a chip pan on fire in the galley and put it out — this could have caused serious problems for the salvage attempt by a tug on the way from Lowestoft .
2 When I turn in the saddle and point it out to him with vigorous gestures , his curiosity is aroused .
3 You know I very carefully picked up my glasses and put them in the case and put it in my in there
4 well if I 've left it there to call off I 'm not gon na put it in the case and shove it away
5 The most attractive feature is that the directors can borrow back half the money in the scheme and invest it in their business .
6 Yeah it 's about ten of us at this party put the bottle in the middle and spin it and whoever the the open ends comes at is the the previous spinner 's got ta kiss that .
7 If you just put the figures in the calculator and write it down and it 's wrong or this one times that one .
8 We could have found somewhere cheaper , or taken up Richard 's mother 's offer that she should buy a house in the suburbs and share it with us , but Richard had theories about the importance of a good , central address , as well as about the waste of nervous energy involved in travelling .
9 They just put it in the machine and tag it and , price
10 Stand in the stadium and watch it and then come back and watch the highlights on TV at night !
11 He had to go and sit in the woodshed and smoke it .
12 It 's when we 're going to take it in the kitchen and put it away when we 've finished .
13 And er he says go and sneak in in the kitchen and put it in the kitchen .
14 Well I shall be in a minute , I 've only just got to go in the kitchen and get it .
15 She did n't want to explain that she had been too nervous to go in the kitchen and cook it , too lily-livered to turn her back to the window as she lit the gas , too timorous to cause even the tiny sounds of roasting game .
16 You work lightly so as not to draw in the knitting or make it lumpy and you could also undo lightly worked stitches more easily .
17 UCLA 's head of the Art department , Henry T. Hopkins , is taking over the directorship , and he plans to show special exhibitions in the building and develop it as a cultural centre for ‘ lectures , symposia , dance , film and poetry readings ’ .
18 In the darkness and wet it lived up to its evil reputation .
19 If you like what you hear , we 'll put it in the yard and advertise it and take a commission on the sale .
20 Suspend a cage from a strong hook in the ceiling and fill it with potted plants , preferably the trailing kind .
21 Then you used to build it in a stack and then you used to take it in the barn and thresh it .
22 The carefully designed tasks , which are a feature of all the books , challenge the practising teacher to reflect on the information in the text and apply it to their own knowledge and experience of teaching .
23 Only one God can have brought the world into being , supervise it in the present and bring it to its end .
24 Each person then tries to toss the button in the air and catch it in the cup .
25 Suddenly with a tremendous stroke an old man close by threw a tiny fish up in the air and down it fell .
26 He did not win : the executive in charge of setting up the European offices was the dynamic ex-sheriff of Caribou , Idaho , named William Swift Daliba , who could toss a silver dollar in the air and plug it with his six-gun .
27 She can hoist one leg in the air and lower it slowly .
28 Put it in the shed and lock it up .
29 ‘ You can help if you like , ’ William said , and he showed Wee Joe how to mix in the water and squeeze it in his hands until the bulb fibre was wet through .
30 it was the custom to tear a piece of rag from a garment , take it out to the holy well before dawn , soak it in the water and tie it to a nearby tree as an offering .
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