Example sentences of "a number of [noun sg] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 Prior to its third seminar , in 1980 , it invited five experts from developing countries to study and evaluate a number of development programmes in the United Kingdom .
2 His experience in retail and shopping centre management includes managing a number of shopping centres in New Zealand .
3 Is the Minister aware that a number of stud farms in my constituency , including two owned by Her Majesty the Queen , and also stud farms in general make a tremendous contribution to the rural economy ?
4 The debates over the merger had precipitated a number of leadership changes in the old parties and alliances in the months leading up to the final agreement .
5 More of the Oberland mountains including the Niesen and Blumlisalp have now come into the panoramic view , and can be seen from a number of vantage points in striking perspective across the Lake of Thun .
6 Robert Passelewe placed a number of Household officials in charge of the forfeited wardenships .
7 He worked in a number of Michelin-star kitchens in Amsterdam and also trained as a teacher before leaving his native land — knowledge he now puts to good use in local schools .
8 All energy with a wavelength less than 300 nm is absorbed , and there are a number of absorption bands in the IR region between 1.1 and 2.5 m .
9 The evaluators selected particular areas of interest for analysis and these became the subjects of a number of working papers in which tentative models were constructed and explanations offered .
10 Co Monaghan Trades Council said a number of quarry firms in the south were threatening to lay off workers because of a recession created by the use of materials from Northern Ireland .
11 The YNTT also stages a number of beach shows in Devon and Dorset last August .
12 A number of pilot projects in 1993 will research this and bring forward proposals for April 1994 .
13 Nori was successful in having overturned by legal action or the threat of it a number of government proposals in late 1989 and early 1990 .
14 The biography of the relationship People enter a caring relationship with the experience of a number of life events in common .
15 There are a number of pub discothèques in Funchal for the energetic ; they tend to be more frequented by local people than by tourists .
16 This applies to a number of employee groups in the Department of Social Work including home helps , drivers and certain administrative staff .
17 They undertook a number of demonstration flights in Australia , and took part in the Air Pageant organised by the Victoria Aero Club on September 26 and won the Herald Cup , with the fastest time .
18 The US Marine Corps was responsible for the United States inter-war plans for amphibious operations ; and although they did a number of landing exercises in the 1930s , not until 1940 were they joined in these by the US Army 's 1 Division .
19 Courses are also given to students reading for the degree in Human Sciences , and for a number of postgraduate degrees in area studies .
20 This passage has a number of murder holes in the floor , which allowed the Castle defenders to drop various unpleasant substances on any attackers below .
21 Vellayati subsequently visited a number of refugee camps in the Cox 's Bazar district .
22 You can combine a number of attribute characters in a single VDU command .
23 Indonesia and Israel 's attempts to develop a comprehensive approach to paraprofessional training using a national training curriculum ( with appropriate areas of specialization ) offered through a number of training centres in different parts of the country are also noteworthy .
24 Follow-up led to the discovery of a number of molybdenum prospects in the Grampian Region ( MEG 17 and MRP 100 ) .
25 He then surveyed for a French company a number of railway lines in Italy and Switzerland , before returning to England , where he worked on the Birmingham and Wolverhampton Railway and the Kennet and Avon and Stourbridge canals .
26 Formed to fill a long-standing local need , ‘ Cheshire Lines ’ is the culmination of some years of suggestions and discussions by quite a number of railway enthusiasts in the Stockport area .
27 Having identified what it described as ‘ a number of sound developments in this field ’ , the paper then concluded that there was a need to improve both the quality and quantity of education management and suggested various ways in which this might be done .
28 A number of interview questions in particular provided answers on which these generalizations are based .
29 Their ‘ representations ’ of the social effects of the Thatcher decade were welcomed as expressions of dissatisfaction with a number of retrograde tendencies in British public life .
30 There are a number of piano studios in Alison House , some of which are available on a booking rota to students of all faculties who require facilities for instrumental practice .
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