Example sentences of "a good [noun sg] of [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 A good flow of blood to the head is vital for optimum brain function .
2 I have though had a good ratio of women to men shown in the gallery but I do n't think that is what draws women to me .
3 Do make sure that you retain the right to sell soft drinks and refreshments , these are far easier to manage and provide a good ratio of profit to outlay .
4 He poured the coffee , adding a good measure of brandy to each mug .
5 This keeps the kite face at a good angle of attack to the oncoming airstream .
6 Dawn Roberts , tourism officer , said : ‘ It applies to all businesses throughout the borough , not just those in tourism , but all those who wish to maintain a good level of service to the customer .
7 For eighteenth-century England there is no good history of sex , none of prostitution ; not even a good history of attitudes to women .
8 Some firms of solicitors have offices in Brussels so that they can provide a good quality of service to their clients whose interests are governed directly by Community law .
9 There is a good review of approaches to distinctive features in Clark and Yallop ( 1990 ) , chapter 9 and pp.364–8 .
10 A good length of time to be in this position is about twenty minutes .
11 Erm , on appendix B , erm there is an item which erm members of the committee erm will know about very well it 's the laboratory services that we give and have a great relate to them , erm the item goes under seven I believe , the figures there have dropped , is that because we 'd had a successful income erm there , we 've got a hundred and ten thousand for both up ninety two and ninety three and ninety , sorry ninety two three and ninety three ninety four , is it that er , could we know or are we estimating that we 're going to get a nice income because we have been told in earlier reports that this is quite a good slice of income to us and those figures are amended accordingly is that right ?
12 While analysts appreciate more information — because they have the ability to separate the price sensitive information from the padding — shareholders may require only a good summary of performance to date .
13 Self and Ernest Long , the secretary , devoted a good deal of thought to methods of budgetary control which would make decentralisation possible , but the headquarters engineers , still deeply distrustful of anything from Self , had little conception of the financial and management principles of decentralisation .
14 At a post-crisis discussion between Mikoian and a State Department official , Mikoian was ‘ clearly influenced by commitments to Castro to make a strong case on Castro 's behalf ’ and tried to establish the idea of a protocol signed by all three countries ‘ [ attaching ] a good deal of significance to Cuba being one of the signatories ’ .
15 Mecir , whose world ranking has dropped to 26 chiefly as a result of back injuries , ought to add a good deal of craft to the Silk Cut Championships at Wembley next month .
16 ‘ And your conclusions are far from worthless , they make a good deal of sense to me .
17 Husameddin devotes a good deal of space to Molla Fenari 's pilgrimage , making full use of the Arabic sources and adding a certain amount of material of his own .
18 Enabling you to allocate different joystick commands to the three coloured pedals , this nifty little piece of hardware will certainly add a good deal of realism to any driving games you may have in your collection ( except Hard Drivin' , of course , as even a steering wheel and gear shift could n't fuel-inject any realism into that ! ) .
19 ‘ We owe a good deal of thanks to Mr Kennedy for all the effort he put into getting us the medals , ’ said Mr Connor .
20 To an extent , the questionnaire approach can be sterile and impersonal , but questions are only included after a good deal of face to face discussion .
21 The Spirit of the Letter pays a good deal of attention to the vellum / scribe / fine penmanship side of the lettering question .
22 Finally , he devoted a good deal of attention to the problem of the implications of his general historical approach for understanding the character of Christianity itself , particularly in The Absoluteness of Christianity ( 1901 ; E.T .
23 Briault and West went on to comment that the headteachers in two of their studies gave a good deal of attention to the process through which individual teachers can change themselves .
24 Those who tend to see the eighteenth century as above all " the Age of Wesley " usually bring a good deal of retrospectivity to their view of the rise of Methodism over a period at the end of which Methodists were still not especially numerous in the nation as a whole .
25 Strictly speaking the former ought to Read MEDIA RELEASE — important , perhaps , if you send a good deal of material to TV and radio .
26 North lent a good deal of encouragement to Thomas Dowling , ‘ the priest for the contras ’ , who was called in by Calero to say Mass in the camps in Honduras ; but Dowling found the contras drifting , rather than committed .
27 It was not disputed that teachers ought to be aware of the relation between educational success and failure and the language children being to school , or that some teachers need to give a good deal of time to the study of reading .
28 To date , feminism has contributed a good deal of fuel to both sides of this dialectic , because the case of women is a peculiar one , and introduces even more complications into an already troublesome argument .
29 It takes a good deal of suppleness to be able to get both your elbows onto the ground — you might only get your hands flat on the floor to begin with .
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