Example sentences of "and may be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Radio-carbon or C14 dating was first applied in 1949 and together with other evidence now provides the chronology for the last 50,000 years and may be extended to 75,000 years .
2 The plan will be implemented next year and may be extended to other species such as hen harriers , buzzards and merlins .
3 Circadian rhythms show persistent , stable periodicities of about 24 hours and may be observed in developmental , metabolic and behavioural events .
4 These trends are not unique to Britain and may be observed in various countries .
5 Such relaxations are considered on the merits of the particular case and may be influenced by any alternative provisions being made for the protection of the building .
6 Emission standards are designated for a large number of pollutants or combinations of pollutants and may be applied to individual or specific groups of emitters .
7 Derrida 's assertion is , of course , a summary of his thinking on language in general and may be applied to individual texts .
8 This aircraft is also kept busy on charter operations , and may be seen at various UK airports in summertime .
9 N.B. All facilities are subject to weather conditions and may be limited in early and late season .
10 Compaq Computer Corp says it expects its move into direct sales to generate up to 10% of its US revenues this year , and may be expanded to some foreign markets later this year : total US sales amounted to about $1,700m in 1992 , Compaq said .
11 The professional officer relies upon professional expertise when tendering advice and may be bound by formal or informal codes of ethics or professional practice .
12 Two samples are collected ; a — 150 mesh sediment which is analysed for up to 28 elements and a panned concentrate which is examined microscopically and may be analysed for particular elements .
13 Copies of these publications are well worth obtaining as permanent additions to personal libraries , and may be supported by such articles as : ‘ The Population of Elizabethan England ’ by E.E .
14 The amounts are variable and may be debited on various dates but NIP Ltd may only change the amounts and dates after giving me prior notice .
15 The employee/employer relationship is a special case and may be governed by express terms , as incorporated in the contract of employment , or implied terms or both .
16 Exceptionally , the inter-departmental MTh in Theology and Ministry requires only 6 months normal residence in Edinburgh , and may be completed by 12 months part-time study elsewhere .
17 They aim to increase the use of fluoridation schemes which benefit most those who live in socially deprived areas and may be deprived of preventative dentistry .
18 Although there have been some investigations of a functional kind relating soil erosion amount to controlling variables in areas like Zimbabwe ( Stocking , 1977 ) , studies of soil loss are potentially very useful ( Stocking , 1980 ) and may be undertaken by detailed process investigations which are usually concerned with parts of the erosion process or with laboratory measurements ( e.g. De Ploey , 1983 ) , by empirical investigations which monitor output in relation to input and use a relation similar to the Universal Soil Loss equation ; and factorial survey methods which Stocking ( 1980 ) visualizes as analysis and collation of the spatial pattern of all factors which relate to soil loss erosion .
19 In 1600 it flared up from obscurity to the third magnitude ; ever since 1715 it has fluctuated around 5 , and may be compared with 28 Cygni ( 4.8 ) and 29 Cygni ( 5.0 ) .
20 Such purchases are often made under long term Contracts , and may be enacted by computerised stock control programs when current stock levels reach a minimum " safety level " .
21 It also can be implied from the data that , because of presumed infecundity , the early years of adolescent marriages are often barren and may be followed by later infertility .
22 The face may be pale and sickly with dark rings round the eyes and may be covered in cold sweat .
23 Ch'i is naturally accumulated and may be enhanced at certain points in the Earth by the application of landscape alterations made in accordance with feng shui rules .
24 Interface details may be qualitatively insubstantial , after all the program is a spreadsheet program , not an interface program , and may be written in different code to achieve the same purpose .
25 Evaporation is a relatively small loss in this country and may be taken as 0.05 inches per day .
26 The module Introducing Heat ( × ½ ) may be used to broaden a student 's knowledge of Physics and may be used in vocational programmes such as catering .
27 Capacitors greater than 10,000µF ) are OK and may be used in this position .
28 If this is not diagnosed and recurrences occur at the same site , the patient will be labelled as a refractory case of non-specific urethritis and may be subjected to prolonged courses of antibiotic treatment , which , of course , will have no effect on the course of the disease .
29 Essentially this is a standard sub-rack that can house any combination of circuit boards , and may be combined in different configurations to establish large capacity systems .
30 Lubbock 's Fairy Wrasse is one of the smaller species and may be encountered in various colour variations .
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