Example sentences of "and more [adj] than [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She felt reckless and more alive than she had for months , her own desire rising as his hungry mouth fell on her breasts like a starving child , and his eager hands tore at her clothes .
2 He was soft and more used than he dared admit to indolence and good food .
3 I was disappointed to find that accommodation was scarcer and more expensive than I thought it would be and the best that I could afford was a large first-floor room in a bedsitter house on Ladbroke Grove .
4 For the yellow menace.was even bigger and more terrible than they knew .
5 He was buoyant today , but also edgy and more authoritative than I 'd seen him for ages , when mostly he 'd been gloomy and sulky .
6 They can be stronger and more dangerous than we realize . ’
7 The man who rose from behind a large polished desk on the far side of the room , and came forward to shake Robyn 's hand , was smaller and more ordinary-looking than she had expected .
8 The desire for happiness is deeper and more powerful than we know .
9 Yet I did not want to leave things alone entirely , without making an effort , but it is restricted to the expression of two things — the cypresses — the olive trees — let others who are better and more powerful than I reveal their symbolic language …
10 The roads were busier and more hectic than he remembered , but he still jumped confidently on a tram that had ‘ City ’ printed across the front .
11 You will probably find that this comes naturally and that you are happier and more confident than you thought you would be .
12 ‘ But I was so ready to become a mother , and I 'm happy and more confident than I 've been before .
13 He was taken aback , and more confused than he 'd been a moment ago .
14 Waugh prided himself on clowning his way out of trouble as ‘ the likeable Chinaman of the mess , ’ but he was tetchier and more dislikeable than he supposed .
15 But seen face to face , even in the informality of her own house , the absence of a spark of sexuality and , he sensed , a deep-seated reserve , made her seem less feminine and more formidable than he had expected , and she held herself stiffly as if repelling invaders of her personal space .
16 In the preface to his great History of Europe , H. A. L. Fisher wrote : " Men wiser than and more learned than I have discerned in history a plot , a rhythm , a predetermined pattern .
17 Mingling with that of David was Anthony 's , sounding far happier and more relaxed than she had heard it for weeks .
18 He was taller than she remembered , more powerfully built , the angles of his face even harder and more menacing than she had recalled coming up in the lift .
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