Example sentences of "and could [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I licked my lips and could already taste the salt ; my hair was whipped into a cone .
2 But the speculators have tasted blood and could yet force a devaluation of the franc .
3 Its volume of 7443 million cubic metres is greater than any other British lake and could comfortably immerse every man , woman , and child on Earth three times over .
4 They make the rule book mentality into an art form and could easily get a PhD in bureaucracy .
5 A kestrel is even smaller than a barn owl — it may only weigh six to seven ounces , and could easily lose a quarter of an ounce overnight in cold weather because of the energy it uses up trying to maintain its body heat .
6 Darwin 's originality lay in the fact that , as a wealthy amateur , he could study in the field as well as in the dissecting room and could thus synthesize the information from biogeography and morphology .
7 Fundoplication may place a degree of stretch on the smooth muscle of the body of the oesophagus and could thus increase the amplitude of contractions .
8 The female when on heat was obviously erotically inclined herself , and could soon arouse the male , but , once aroused , the sexual drive of both animals seemed unable to direct them towards the exact behaviour demanded by the situation .
9 Certainly government influence had a powerful impact , and could normally secure the return of favoured candidates in constituencies where there were significant government installations ( such as the postal service at Harwich , or the dockyards at Plymouth , Portsmouth and the Cinque Ports ) .
10 Men like Thomas Cromwell , William Paget , William Cecil , Francis Walsingham , and Robert Cecil gained an unrivalled knowledge of affairs and could effectively operate the machine .
11 Down home of the then Air Minister Lord Londonderry and , in his report of the visit , added a speculative paragraph to the effect that the trip may have been due to ‘ a message from Ottawa ’ and could well precede a peace making trip to Dublin .
12 By and large Alex and I think these developments are likely to give tangible gains and could well become a priority for implementation .
13 He did not look a particularly easy ride that day and could well prove a handful for his inexperienced rider .
14 The effect on prostaglandin production might account for the increase in dyspepsia associated with NSAIDs in patients colonised with Helicobacter pylori and could also protect the mucosa from superficial injury induced by NSAIDs .
15 As a result , American Can decided that relocation could provide the answer to consolidating its head office activities and could also meet the company 's need to be more centrally based in larger , more suitable accommodation .
16 If a patent were to be granted , such prior use is a defence to an infringement action , by section 64 , and could also invalidate the patent if challenged unless such use had not made the invention available to the public .
17 It would also increase rent revenue as tenants would be better off and more satisfied , and could also increase the authority 's chances of winning more money from the Government .
18 Against an orthodoxy which at that tune was inclined to reduce faith to the mere acceptance of ‘ the truths ’ in the Bible or in the teaching of the church — an acceptance which could leave one 's inmost self unaffected , and could even involve the toleration in blind obedience of contradictions and incoherences in the official system of belief — the voice pressing the claims of reason and the inner self needed to be heard .
19 It is believed that the report will criticise successive corporate affairs ministers at the department of Trade and Industry , despite a claim last year by Lord Young , the former Trade and Industry Secretary , that an internal investigation concluded his department could not be held responsible , and could even throw the spotlight on the role of Lord Young .
20 One prominent cinema organist would completely lose control of his feet when attempting to record ; the violinist Bronislaw Huberman needed perfect quiet , and could even hear a typist operating six storeys away , but Jan Kubelik , though always needing to stand on a rubber mat , had possessed perfect studio concentration .
21 And he was clean and tidy now , and civil , and could even crack a joke .
22 Dragons of Flame is at best a weak beat-'em up , and could never cut the mustard as a bona fide roleplayer .
23 Collected Poems 1909–1935 provoked a respectful response from the critics , although there was a sense in which Eliot was now being taken for granted ; he had been assimilated , after something of a struggle against him by the purveyors of contemporary taste , and could quietly become a monument standing unnoticed by the roadside .
24 The jokes could be played out in a fully contemporary setting and could often concern the adventures of very ordinary downtrodden men .
25 Salmeterol is a partial agonist in vitro compared with salbutamol and could therefore reduce the access and effectiveness of salbutamol by occupying βreceptors .
26 And the character of those towns is also erm subject to pressure from development on what might be described as brown field sites and could adversely affect the character of those settlements themselves .
27 However , you should take care not to risk overloading the electrical wiring in the process , and you should certainly not attempt to use photoflood bulbs in ordinary domestic fittings as they not only draw a lot of current but they also run very hot and could possibly cause a fire .
28 Ledeen always thought it self-evident that America should re-open contacts with Iran ; it could profit from the political fissures there , and could perhaps exploit the chaos that would undoubtedly follow the end of the Ayatollah 's rule .
29 He was fourteen years old , blind and hardly able to walk , but they had grown much attached to him and could hardly endure the thought of his death .
30 In Harris v Wyre Forest DC ; Smith v Bush [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 514 the House of Lords rejected an argument that a disclaimer of liability on a surveyor 's report prevented a duty of care arising in tort and therefore fell outside the Act ; applying s13 , the House held that the disclaimer was subject to the Act and could only prevent a duty arising if it satisfied the test of reasonableness .
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