Example sentences of "and one [noun] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And one day I said to her : ‘ Kirsty , I think you 're still taking the stuff . ’
2 And one day I came across this tiny cottage .
3 And one day he came across a huge seal and killed it , never knowing that it was his own father in his seal form .
4 Well it was a town then but since then it 's been made a city , you see , and I got to know all kinds of people and one gentleman came in there , used to come every evening and write a book and er , I used to look after him if I happened to be that end and er , you see , and then he 'd say , oh just an exchange you know about the weather and just in general thing and then I 'd leave him and he 'd get on with his writing and one day he said to me .
5 And Martin keep fucking on and on , and one day she come in here , and she said why do n't you clean ?
6 Sebastian was not used to dope and one night he drowned in the swimming-pool .
7 ‘ Harthover Place ’ is now a Field Studies Council Centre and one April I enroled for a ‘ spring birds ’ weekend .
8 And one situation I came across as a consequence of the N H S reforms , was nurses on a maternity ward undergoing a work study .
9 Would n't I like to curl up on the sofa ? — and mostly I enjoyed the sweaty heaving pleasures of the British Legion do , where the guests galumphed and the men got drunk and waved bottles around — and one thing I noticed through all the ranks of society , no matter what the background , or the income , or the form the party took , was that as the evening wore on women would begin to look pained and patient and longed to get home , but did n't like to say so for fear of being accused of ruining the evening 's fun .
10 alright just shut up a minute , I 'm talking to ya , so she said afterwards oh I says that was good were n't it could n't even switch the machine on and she said it does n't matter does it , she said it 's not what happens its the way you deal with it , and I made a joke of it and I said to him oh this is good i n't it ? relax you 're in safe hands I ca n't even switch the machine on , but anyway I did it in the end and he was alright , and he said thank you very much , that was , you were very good , you were very kind , cos it is frightening and one thing I said to him do n't hold your breath , because people think when their having an E C G they 've got ta hold their breath for some reason , just lie there take a deep breath and do n't breathe again but you 've never had one so you would n't no , I 'm just going to mix this up
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