Example sentences of "and its [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its head was down and its back sloped up into a kind of point at the rear .
2 There is good evidence that a flourishing trade in false antiquities existed at the turn of the century , and its products filtered through to the United States and Europe .
3 THE Government 's Green Bill would seriously damage the independent role of National Rivers Authority and its ability to clamp down on pollution , the organisation 's chief scientist , Dr Jan Pentreath , said yesterday .
4 Then she turned her attention to the tabby cat still spreadeagled on the back of the broom with its eyes screwed tightly shut and its claws gripping on for dear life .
5 That the written statement and its publication add up to a true Dostoevsky confession , to repentance and acceptance of suffering , to ‘ a wonderful podvig ’ in Tikhon 's words , is one possibility among many .
6 Late in 1913 he wrote on a more factual note : ‘ Futurism is not without importance , and its manifestos drawn up in France have had an influence on the terminology which is employed today amongst the most advanced painters . ’
7 The Nynex-Hitrail joint venture company would likely be called Hermes , said the source , and its capital opened up to other European partners .
8 CFS maintain a wide stock of templates so that the profile of the blade can be ‘ retuned ’ and its performance brought back to optimum .
9 And towards morning , when the snow turned again to rain , the whole hillside under which they were camped had become furrowed and scoured by a hundred brooks scurrying and leaping downwards into the river valley , till the level of the flood crept up towards their outposts , and its tributaries carried down into it everything movable that came in their way , including some of the hobbled horses , and the wreckage of tents , and drowned men .
10 While Mexico 's political weakness was excused and its economy helped out by the US , Brazil 's relationship with Washington steadily deteriorated and its policies came under American attack .
11 THE Inkatha Freedom Party and its allies walked out of South Africa 's multi-party democracy talks yesterday .
12 There is even some evidence from the tracks they have left behind that Diplodocus and its allies moved about in herds .
13 It was brown , as far as Hoomey could see , and its ribs stuck out like his own , and its great projecting hip-bones were on a level with his head , sticking out like girders as if to hold the gaunt body together .
14 In 1950 the company was wound up and its copyright taken over by the Britons Society , in a merger of racial nationalist and Die-hard conservative traditions — an ideological alliance of two of the major strands of political thought which later heavily influenced the ideas of the National Front .
15 When Rosalind and Philip first moved in , it was in a pretty parlous condition , with , amongst other nightmares , an elder tree with its roots in the great hall and its branches spreading in through the windows .
16 KGB activities were suspended and its property handed over to the republican governments .
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