Example sentences of "and we [vb mod] [verb] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is not an obvious answer to the brief and we would want to see what reaction this would get .
2 ‘ A few people told me it could n't be done but the prep races all fitted into his programme and we would hope to do something along similar lines next time .
3 Garden staff are often approached by visitors with requests for information , and we would wish to encourage them to continue to provide such a service , provided that this assistance does not interfere with their normal work .
4 Erm because when I was a little girl my brother and I we used to flowers because my mother sold flowers and we would have to deliver them .
5 ‘ Although 1992 was an excellent year and we would like to thank everyone for their support , we are always on the look out for new members . ’
6 This particular issue of Women 's Art is the last to be produced under the editorship of Genevieve Fox and we would like to thank her for her contribution to the magazine over the last year .
7 Only a handful of hospitals do this and we would like to see it emulated everywhere . ’
8 The level of support from all the centres involved has been most encouraging and we would like to record our thanks for the co-operation and hospitality , which we have received ’ .
9 A consultation process is under way and we would like to hear your views .
10 ‘ We have just returned from Zakopane and we would like to express our delight in all aspects of the holiday .
11 It is to be suspected that , together with its extensions , it constitutes the nuclear complex of every neurosis , and we may expect to find it actively at work in other regions of mental life .
12 We are concerned about some issues and we may wish to raise them again later in the Bill 's progress to safeguard the position of all nurses throughout the 1990s .
13 We have n't mentioned eggs to the Central Criminal Police in Helsinki but the Security Police are getting interested and we may have to give them at least some explanation of the raw egg on Kaarna 's body .
14 If it does n't go to the main group , it wo n't be and we may have to do something ourselves .
15 ‘ The goalscoring situation is uppermost in our minds and we may have to do something about that .
16 Erm missing procedures we have decided that Jenny is going to write T G I , Beety will write B T and we are going to write something on access and we may need to write something on erm Health and Finance and those documents we have got in the Master File .
17 Contact us today and we 'll start to prove it .
18 Yeah is on the side and we 'll have to fine him .
19 When you feel " t would be a sin to Cut another sentence into , Send it in and we 'll BEGIN TO Cut it down !
20 Yes we 'll need to write to all those and we 'll need to write we need to write to the police
21 ‘ Look , if it does n't work out , come back and see us and we 'll try to do something for you , OK ? ’
22 All the people mentioned in this issue of The Red Triangle , and thousands more besides , are listed on our database — if you have lost contact with old friends or colleagues , drop the Alumni Office a line and we 'll try to reunite you !
23 So if you 've got any , send them to us and we 'll try to publish them .
24 So if you 've got any , send them to us and we 'll try to publish them .
25 Keep asking the questions , and we 'll try to answer them .
26 I 'll talk to her and we 'll try to work something out . ’
27 Let us know when you 're arriving and we 'll try to meet you .
28 If there are other specific requests please let us know and we shall endeavour to satisfy them .
29 And we shall hope to meet you again , ’ said Snodgrass and the Trees suddenly looked pleased and unexpectedly Human .
30 We believe in those propositions and we shall continue to support them .
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