Example sentences of "and as i [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It turns on to its side and as I cling on for dear life I hear a startled cry from Nathan .
2 I knew I had to get away quickly , and as I ran out of the kitchen , I saw Hindley attack Heathcliff .
3 And as I walk back through the streets the other thing fuelling this self-criticism is that I turned up there with the gun .
4 His hands are tight across my back , then he lets go and as I walk out of the room his face goes back to the letters .
5 And as I came back down this mucky road from the High Street , which , as you know , can be a pretty depressing trek home especially if you 're tired , it all seemed bright somehow , and welcoming .
6 I heard a noise one night , like several motorbikes roaring down the road , only it was coming from above , and as I looked out of the window there they were — three red exhausts in the sky , blinding along a parallel course a few feet above the roof tops .
7 The festivities started with a parade through the town led by the Houlton Silver Band and as I looked down from the windows of our bed-sitter I could see them all gathering in the street below .
8 And as I walked on past those unused bedrooms , Miss Kenton 's figure , a silhouette against a window within one of them , had called to me .
9 A dip in the hill , much like those at Sulber Nick and Kirkby Nick , led over the crest by an outcrop and as I walked out from the dip I saw ahead of me Raydale with , to my left , Semer Water and Addlebrough behind it .
10 So I left , and as I walked back to my car , the man watched me from the little steel balcony upon which Kanaan Abu Khadra had played as a boy .
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