Example sentences of "and they [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They have not chosen the new family and they may not feel love or even liking for the new partner .
2 She says that they 're trying to clear up the waste created by thousands of people — it 's a long job and they may not have time to do it all .
3 They may think that their jobs will be less secure , that they might lose the independence that they previously enjoyed , that their relationships with others will change for the worse and they might lose status , they may think the change unnecessary and they may simply fear change in itself .
4 The procuticle is probably secreted around them and they may also transport material to the outer procuticle and epicuticle .
5 The sulphonylureas increase plasma insulin levels in patients in whom they are effective and they may also enhance tissue sensitivity to insulin via a postreceptor effect ( Lockwood et al , 1984 ) .
6 Yes , family members can have addictive disease that is life.threatening : their own " family disease " can drive them to distraction and despair ( frequently misdiagnosed simply as a reactive depression ) and they may even commit suicide .
7 If the person 's heart was heavy with misdeeds , the Devourer would consume the victim and they would never find peace .
8 But because it 's got to be right across the board , and they wo n't make exception , of people like myself and others who are living in the community that need home help .
9 Now nobody 's going to come and see me , and Marie 's gone away and Annie do n't know where I am and they wo n't have Christmas with me and we wo n't open prezzies together .
10 It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality , and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling .
11 These big events must be properly controlled if ever they take place and they must only take place with police permission and proper licenses .
12 The police have been told but their manpower is hard-pressed and they can not guarantee cover . ’
13 They go on a list and they can not get work simply because they 've been activists .
14 But these people are now citizens of Arab states that are at war with Israel and they can not claim possession of this land .
15 The cows are always milked by members of the family and they can usually spot mastitis in the first 24 hours .
16 Put Kurt Cobain , Dave Grohl and Chris Novoselic on a stage or in a rehearsal space or in a studio and they can still wreak magic , the three losers who took on the world and won .
17 For reasons that we shall discuss in Chapter 9 , the members of a colony of social insects co-operate with one another , and they will therefore give signal that are as informative as possible ; they will not usually give deceptive signals to fellow members of their colony .
18 Butchers are , on the whole , an ingenious breed , and they could probably get hold of some if you pressed them .
19 He could n't speak Spanish and they could n't speak English .
20 The dishwasher broke down and they could not keep pace with the washing up .
21 If you do want to enjoy a one-to-one relationship of a companionable or romantic nature there are various ways one can make contact , other people who want to do the same and they need not have marriage as an aim if that is not what you want .
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