Example sentences of "and from the [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , by this time the violence provoked by the new anti-Semitic wave and incited by propaganda had put the ‘ Jewish Question ’ back in a high place on the agenda , and pressure was mounting from within the Party for anti-Semitic legislation to fulfil the aims of the Party programme , and from the public for regulations to put an end to the ‘ individual actions ’ which had characterized the summer of violence .
2 If the doctor 's right about the sandbag or lead piping in a sock , and from the look of things it seems right , they did n't want any blood .
3 When someone has been asked to make over on death whatever remains of an inheritance , and from the price of objects sold buys other objects , he is not regarded as having diminished [ the estate ] in respect of the objects sold … but the objects thus bought should be made over in place of the ownership which has changed … .
4 Briar shoots on standard stems and from the base of bushes should be rubbed off while still juvenile and ‘ finger and thumb ’ fragile .
5 It next considered the problem of designing the curriculum , and in particular the competing claims on the curriculum from society , from epistemology ( i.e. theories on the nature of knowledge ) , and from the psychology of pupils .
6 The immediate aim was to open the roads to and from the temple to untouchables , but it proved to be a symbol of the movement to eliminate discrimination against untouchables in all spheres of life and a pointer to the need to abolish the caste system .
7 A previous attempt to guess the pattern of housing inheritance , by Morgan Grenfell , a merchant bank , in 1987 , worked mainly from circumstantial evidence : from the rise in home ownership and house prices ( to predict the amounts to be inherited ) and from the rise in holdings of financial assets ( to predict that inheritors would invest much of their new wealth in deposit accounts and shares ) .
8 The Isle of Man Railway Company issued HM Forces tickets both between stations on the island and from the island to destinations in the UK , together with a sea crossing .
9 Lists of questions ask about possible suspicious sightings of people and vehicles around the barracks and taxi rides to and from the area to pubs or Dover docks .
10 The move stems from the acceleration of technological change in the region , and from the need for firms to be ever more technologically innovative and competitive .
11 The Dorset , Devon and Cornwall holiday areas benefited from the good summer weather and from the upgrading of pubs carried out over the last few years .
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