Example sentences of "and he [verb] me [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The regular vet — a friend of mine — has gone to live in Australia and he recommended me to the zoo as his replacement .
2 Well I erm , I was , I was burgled about a year ago and I 'm am ex er , I 'm a retired criminal lawyer , and , but I , I felt that if I lived in the States and trained in the States and I carried a gun then and I felt very vulnerable in not having a gun because he , I was in my own home and he fist me with a knife
3 ‘ I immediately offered him a cup of tea or coffee and he followed me into the kitchen , ’ says Lynsey .
4 However , I insisted and he ushered me into the Captain 's sea cabin .
5 And he treated me like a lady , too , not a shop-girl .
6 I knew him as well , of course , so I contacted him and he told me about the trip . ’
7 And he told me about the increased risk of late miscarriage with amniocentesis as well . ’
8 He said he was a reporter and he told me of the death of the King , the news had just come through .
9 Yeah , cos we was there in the August , they were n't , we moved in , in the July , there , and the girls were , Matthew was just four , cos just as we moved in our dad took Matthew to Hungary with him , it was like , it was like they were going on the following Wednesday , and he told me on the Friday , he came in on the Friday night , they planned , it was our dad , Crystal and Danielle , Crystal and Danielle , but she said even if I go out in the middle of .
10 I and my new friend then went to Ku where he took another 15,000 pesetas off me — the price had gone up , he said — and he parked me by the dance-floor and said he 'd be back in five minutes .
11 So I went to see a man in Devonshire Place and he sent me down the road for a barium meal X-ray .
12 So obviously I kept drinking the water and the next day , on the Sunday , the pain was so bad we called the doctor again and he found out I was in labour and he sent me to the hospital and they found out not until the Thursday that it was actually the cryptosporidium that had caused it .
13 He was pulling him , trying to get him off me — he threw him — he just threw him at the bed — I knew he was all right , he were screaming but I could n't — they were both screaming , Cathy and Gary both , and he got me by the throat .
14 There , I asked the proprietor if there were any really old places I could visit and he directed me to a farm called La Valdieu .
15 We reached the Bedford Square House and he saw me up the steps .
16 And he led me towards the hills
17 Where was Um Al-Farajh , I asked him , and he led me to a large square of fir trees and pointed to the earth .
18 ‘ And there was a sailor there — submariner , I think he was — and he asked me for a date , but I said no . ’
19 He come round and he asked me for a change of a fiver .
20 In those days I used to hang out at the Giaconda Cafe in Denmark Street where all broke musicians hang out , and I remember his first single came out and he dragged me into the record store next door , Francis Day & Hunter , and he said , ‘ Have a listen to this ’ .
21 I told me mum about it and she said we ca n't be having that and got on the phone to the doctor , but he would n't even come out and he took me off the [ practice 's ] list .
22 And he takes me to an Italian restaurant in Mitcham .
23 I 'll go and phone him , put ten P in the phone and he rings me at the phone box .
24 ‘ The last time I saw him he 'd been drinking pretty heavily and he pushed me about a bit .
25 I laughed at his coat once and he pushed me off a bar stool . ’
26 And he entered me for the scholarship , , and er , I won .
27 ‘ Soon after that a different Man came by car and he put me in a carrier cage and took me into the darkness of a long journey , over bumpy roads , on to a ship , and into the most terrible place of all , an iron cage with obscured windows , which raced through the night clattering and clattering , a regular rhythm of metallic sound .
28 I was in the kitchen when he played it back on the TV — I remember that day so well — and he called me into the living room to take a look .
29 Sent memos all round , you know and he called me in the office that day , to say I 'm really disappointed in you , I said , what do you mean ?
30 We went to school together , I saved him from a beating and he rescued me from a hanging , twice ; once in Ipswich and then again at Montfaucon , that great forest of gibbets which stands near the Porte St Denis in Paris .
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