Example sentences of "and he [vb past] [subord] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And he boobed when he sneaked off to an isolated toilet for a crafty fag — because his foreman was in the next cubicle .
2 It was bad enough trying to get to a classroom and he knew if he had explored the corridors he would have been lost for certain .
3 Devraux was staring towards the front flaps as she entered and he froze when he saw her .
4 The sarcasm in her tone was not lost on David and he grimaced as he followed her out of the office .
5 But I did what I did and he died as he died . ’
6 I asked Fleischmann what was known about this and he laughed as he said ‘ Not enough ! ’
7 He would be seeing Caterina again , with her sweet face like a ripe apricot and her almond eyes , and he laughed when he remembered her childish stumblings as she tried to repeat the message to the letter .
8 Then truly he was afraid , for his small grey friend had said nothing of this narrow little place , and he thought if he put his head in he might never come out alive .
9 And he said as he drove off down the road it went rattle rattle rattle rattle and there were these hole little holes in the side of his van . .
10 The place was pretty full , and he hesitated until he saw the empty bench at my table .
11 Cameron could sense James Menzies fidgeting and breathing beside him and he wondered if he had had a dram .
12 His thoughts teetered nastily , and he wondered if he had uttered the possibility in order to ward it off .
13 The skin , he noted , was still tinged golden — that faint tone which signified to those in the know that he had been subjected to the bi-annual treatment of Longivex , the Imperial longevity drug which , because of the rarity of the poppy from which it was produced , was restricted to the élite , the favoured few such as the royal family , the privileged , the very rich — and he frowned as he wondered how long it would be before the absence of the drug showed in his physique and appearance .
14 Instantly Shamlou recognised the cry of anguish from Matchsticks , and he winced as he opened the doors to hear the soft thud of flesh against flesh .
15 He began to jot down figures in two columns and he talked as he wrote .
16 Benjamin 's hand went to his wallet and he gasped as he stared down at the beggar .
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