Example sentences of "and that he did [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His uncertainty over what he had and where it might be seemed to indicate that he only drank when he entertained , and that he did n't entertain very often .
2 And Letterworth had said that the deal was bogging down in that bloody stupid Olympic fracas and the Afghan mess , and that he did n't give a shit for politics , only for selling engines .
3 ‘ I 've got an overnight bag packed , but before we go — ’ she took a hold on herself to begin , then found that he had something he wanted to say too — and that he did n't mind cutting across what she was saying , to say it .
4 Julie had asked him what was going on but he 'd rushed out without telling her , mumbling only that it was important and that he did n't know when he 'd be back .
5 All we know is that Nicola was due to meet him at nine o'clock and that he did n't turn up .
6 All day long he insisted that they already knew who the fellow-Communists of his branch had been in the Forties and that he did not want to ‘ crawl through the mud for no purpose ’ .
7 On 5 November 1937 Hitler made a public speech in which he said that Germany had no claim on Danzig and that he did not want to change the city 's status : ‘ Danzig ist mit Polen verbunden — Danzig is with Poland bound . ’
8 Goldreyer has always maintained that he meticulously applied up to 2 million dots of paint and that he did not repaint the canvas .
9 The words which I have read are plain : it was Mr. Vanbergen who said he was going down to Eastbourne , that he was going down as part of his business , and that he did not think he would be getting back after his business on Thursday in time to pay it on Thursday , and the concession arose out of the question whether or not the debtor could be back in town in time to bring it himself , because he frankly said he was trying to get a little more time .
10 Wherever she went , there would always be the knowledge deep within her that she loved Rourke , and that he did not love her in return .
11 Here he bade me stay , saying that there was only the laboratory overhead , and that he did not wish me to enter there .
12 It also emerged that Keith hated his nursery teacher to know he had been naughty and that he did not like any form of physical restraint .
13 He points out there is no evidence that Hunter was connected with the College before he was nominated an honorary member in March 1791 , and that he did not attend any meetings of the College before December 1791 .
14 He did not tell her that hers was the only female reputation he had ever given any thought to and that he did not know why he bothered .
15 It was argued that he should have been sentenced to a term of detention in a young offender institution , and that he did not qualify for a custodial sentence for that purpose under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4) and 1(4A) .
16 ‘ The trial lasted six days and in his summing up , the judge said that it was too difficult to determine the age of the dogs and that he did not believe a breeder would know her own stock — so basically the ‘ coincidence ’ was too strong .
17 The point was that the journalist 's investigative purpose was sufficiently served by the declaration , and that he did not need to know ( and had no sufficient interest in knowing ) the identities of the justices who had heard the particular case .
18 Decision : the sentencer indicated that there was little mitigation in the case apart from the plea of guilty , and that he did not consider the appellant 's presence conducive to the good of the country .
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