Example sentences of "and that we [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the lesson I explained how Fibonacci had worked on the rabbit problem , and that we would look at this in the next lesson .
2 You knew he could not pay and that we would have to . ’
3 I mean , Blackbeard must know we could 'ave recognized the man from the newspaper photograph , and that we might go to the police about it . ’
4 We understand that planning permission from Edinburgh District Council will need to be granted , and that we shall consult with yourselves over some of the details , such as the design of the area adjacent to Boathouse Bridge .
5 The hon. Gentleman should withhold judgment and hope that I am right , and that we shall succeed in achieving those results .
6 Instead , he proposes that the unit used should be the ‘ tone-group ’ , defined in terms of rhythm and pitch movements , and that we should distinguish between ‘ major ’ and ‘ minor ’ tone-groups .
7 This strategy implies that we should have no preconceived ideas about the research we should support and that we should concentrate on deriving the criteria against which we should assess proposals which , on the balance of probabilities might stand the best chance of success .
8 In Committee , the Minister invariably points out that Parliament has a simple way of dealing with orders and that we should stick to it .
9 Your belief , as I understand it , is that we should accept not knowing what the future will be like and that we should trust in the abilities of ourselves , and of everyone else , to be surprised by what happenS , to be changed by it , and to be able to react in new ways that at present we do not know ?
10 Originally , the Government and British Rail management said that there was no need for a dedicated rail route from the channel ports , and that we could manage with the existing railway infrastructure .
11 The important thing is that the Thirty Year Rule is in force and that we can respond to developing perceptions of our times . ’
12 Erm Hopefully we would be better prepared next time , and that we can get in generators quickly if we do n't already have them on standby .
13 He said that our grandfathers fought for the Holy Land and that we must stick to the Holy Land .
14 However , we now have an opportunity to show that Europe can address European problems and that we will intervene in a way that will give the people of Yugoslavia the opportunity to sit down together and find a peaceful solution to the problems .
15 And because I fear that that is the position , I can not help but feel that before long we will have yet another attempt to amend Act seventeen , nineteen sixty three and that we will go round the circuit , the same circuit once again with I fear the same result .
16 But he told the Legislative Council : ‘ We do recognise that the current uncertain situation can not be allowed to continue for much longer and that we will need to gazette the bill if a decision on talks ca n't be reached imminently . ’
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