Example sentences of "and that [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The g was less , and that made me feel at home .
2 He remembered old dad VATman up at Hoomey 's sitting by the fire and how he had wanted to go there , and that made him think of a good name : Lucky Fireside … no , Firelight , Lucky Firelight .
3 Sandy shot a 71 , though , and that left him tied for the lead with David Graham , who we played with , of course , for the third round .
4 I was recently talking to the mother of a four year old boy about his progress at learning his letters , when I realized just how responsible and vulnerable she felt about his lack of progress , and that started me thinking about the educational process and the pressures that we put on ourselves and our children to succeed .
5 I 'm sure a healthy body leads to a healthy mind and that helped me cope with the daily pressures of newspaper life . ’
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