Example sentences of "and it [is] a [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's going to offend a lot of people , and it 's a problem which I 'm sure exercises a lot of minds .
2 I mean if you take the regulatory we did it with today that it consists of the Bank of England , the Securities and Investment Board , twenty four organisations of the S I B S , siblings you might call them er under it , the Building Societies Commission , the police , the serious fraud office , the Department of Trade and Industry , the London Stock Exchange , the Inland Revenue , five recognised supervisory bodies , all those dealing with er auditors and the others , it 's chaos er and nobody knows who is responsible for what and in that chaos you get overlapping decisions er er and conflicting regulations , everybody tries to ensure themselves by regulating too much er er and it 's a situation which drastically needs simplification , but we do n't have any proposals for strengthening and making that work er er frame work more effective , to back up er this er simple proposal today .
3 It 's a mighty brew , and it 's a sound which could well carry them to a much higher level of success , if that 's what they want .
4 Atomisation is the keyword here and it is a tendency which gets reproduced in the very format of the finished product .
5 In certain areas of the country industrialization had been a slow but continuous process since the seventeenth century or even earlier ; and it is a process which has not finished yet .
6 That is a duty which he owes to all those who may have occasion to use the article : and it is a duty which is broken at the time when he is negligent in making the article .
7 And it is a claim whose force in this instance comes through a demystification generated across inversion .
8 This is a book which takes for granted , and which has doubts about , the mingling of peoples , and it is a book which takes pride in its chosen people — Salim 's people and , in some measure , Naipaul 's .
9 But they have to take it as a fact , and it is a fact which prevents them from envisaging our liquidation . "
10 And it is a condition which can be recognised in the reception of his work .
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