Example sentences of "and it [modal v] be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 As discussed on pages 7 — 8 , the legal basis for these proposals remains controversial and it may be aggravated by the outcome of the Maastricht Summit in December 1991 .
2 Nowadays , there is a right of appeal to the Court of Appeal by virtue of the Criminal Justices Act 1988 , s. 159 , and it may be exercised by any ‘ person aggrieved . ’
3 Eventually the scarp will retreat from the original position of faulting and it may be buried by sediment .
4 This overburden may be only a shallow layer of topsoil or a deep layer of modern building rubble , as is the case on some urban sites , and it may be removed by digging with hand tools or by using a mechanical excavator , depending on the site .
5 The council may make the appointment full or part time and it may be held by an officer of a regional council but the appointee must be an advocate or a solicitor .
6 Robyn herself would disapprove of it on ideological grounds , and it might be interpreted by other students as creeping .
7 Each party 's entitlement of seats should be proportionate to its share of the total constituency votes received by candidates of all parties , and it would be met by the award ( if necessary ) of a number of additional seats so calculated as to " redress the distorted results in the constituencies " .
8 And it would be promoted by the sort of publicity which had made Sunlight soap a household name .
9 A society of this kind would have a high level of culture and morality , and it would be managed by a system of genuine people 's rule , of ‘ profound and consistent democracy ’ .
10 And it must be acquired by the whole of the race faced with those conditions , so as not to be lost in crossing .
11 The team 's full potential must be realised , and it will be led by Percy Fender .
12 In what is the accepted and , in-deed , only acceptable view , the underclass is deemed the source of its own succour and well-being ; in the extreme view , it requires the spur of its own poverty , and it will be damaged by any social assistance and support .
13 Before we start this morning I 'd just like to make one brief announcement er one of my colleagues has asked me to announce er a lecture to be given on Thursday at five fifteen , that is er directly after the second systems lecture of the week , erm on the title of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy , changes , challenges and opportunities in the former Soviet Union and it will be given by the Baroness of Queensbury erm and that 's er at fife fifteen , one four one in this er in this building .
14 The accommodation consisted of semi-converted stables , and it will be known by those acquainted with the residence of horses that the door of a stable is so constructed that there are two gaps , one between the door and the floor and another between the door and the ceiling , and through these gaps blew drafts of freezing cold .
15 It will provide massive rebates for those who are worse off ; and it will be welcomed by the majority of the public , who will realise that it is far fairer than the community charge , that it is progressive and that it will work .
16 Both parties have agreed the deal in principle , and it should be completed by autumn , subject to the necessary approvals .
17 It does not come in an envelope and it could be seen by anyone in the office which may , in itself , help to achieve its purpose .
18 Organisers are staging another event at Moortown on September 6 and it could be followed by a World Over-80 's tournament .
19 This seems to be a rather narrow and limiting definition , and it could be refuted by pointing out that both subject knowledge and research methodology could equally well be tested by examination , without going to the additional effort of writing a thesis .
20 Nevertheless , Marsden says the target is to raise ICI Fertilizers ' performance ‘ to the level where we are earning average C&P return on capital — that is possible and it can be done by the early 1990s . ’
21 The Shetland pony is one of the smallest ponies in the world and it can be ridden by very small and light people .
22 A lever with an adjustable contact point formed by simple bolt and nuts is a satisfactory method , and it can be actuated by clockwork timer for single shots or radio servo for auto-wind sequences , or by direct pull from the ground via a section of cycle cable anchored somewhere on the carrier .
23 Hepatitis simply means an inflammatory disorder of the liver and it can be caused by a variety of agents : drugs and poisons , bacteria and viruses .
24 Meiosis , too , is a physical process , and it can be influenced by genes .
25 It is still relatively expensive and can not go into subjects in depth in the same way as print , but has the advantage of being easy to watch , in an idiom or genre which is very familiar to most people , and it can be viewed by groups of staff simultaneously .
26 Researchers at Birmingham University say it sometimes takes years for an allergy to surface and it can be triggered by stress or overwork .
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