Example sentences of "and that [prep] a [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Here , R. H. Tawney took a traditional line , asserting that Tutorial Classes and , at the very least , One-Year courses constituted the WEA 's real work , that those who had left school at or about fifteen were its most important target and that as a movement it should be largely under the control of its voluntary student members .
2 Some won their battles , but many others discovered that in law they were merely tenants-at-will and that as a consequence they had to pay much higher rents than before .
3 It would be a long time before he stopped despising himself for having succumbed to a purely physical attraction , and that towards a woman he despised .
4 Nobody could reasonably dissent from this conclusion , Paley insists , yet that is just what the atheist , in effect , does when he contemplates the works of nature , for : every indication of contrivance , every manifestation of design , which existed in the watch , exists in the works of nature ; with the difference , on the side of nature , of being greater or more , and that in a degree which exceeds all computation .
5 There is published evidence that P cepacia is transmissible , directly or indirectly , between individuals , and that in a proportion who acquire it the infection is associated with rapid deterioration or death , even when they were previously in good health and clinically stable .
6 Jessop argues that this is highly unlikely and that in a crisis we can not say in advance whether the state — now divorced from any one-to-one relationship with the ruling class — will assist capital , labour or ( as seems to be the perennial case in Britain ) pursue policies to the mutual ruin of the contending classes .
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