Example sentences of "and i do not want [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is no fight , no feud and I do not want one , either , ’ he remarked .
2 Death would be too kind an end for a man who has done what he has , and I do not want him to escape into it . ’
3 I made the matter clear and I do not want anyone to misunderstand .
4 ‘ Well , it is cold and I do not want it .
5 You 've never made scenes and I do n't want them . ’
6 ‘ I 've been through it and I do n't want them to have to go through it because it can be stopped .
7 I 'd I was I was glad when they said no more can move into Green , cos I was thinking , Well my sister 's getting a house soon and my other sister she 's getting a house and I do n't want them two living round here as well cos the me mam and dad wo n't be able to see them either , you know if they move into the flats so I was glad .
8 We have a serious mission to accomplish , we four and I do n't want them getting in the way . ’
9 As you can see we 've got three children who will be going to the school and I do n't want them to think they have to get in a car every time they travel anywhere .
10 And I do n't want them pulled off thank you very much , tell him .
11 ‘ My child has never heard the sound of laughter , ’ said the woman , ‘ and I do n't want him to die without hearing it . ’
12 ‘ Well , listen , it 's my two hundred dollars , ’ I repeated , ‘ and I do n't want him beaten . ’
13 ‘ He is good at his job and I do n't want him to lose it because of something stupid like this . ’
14 And I do n't want him to take the rap for something he did n't do . ’
15 ‘ As Isabella 's son he 'll inherit Thrushcross Grange one day , and I do n't want him to die before that .
16 And I do n't want him to see me .
17 I ca n't worry my husband because he 's not well and I do n't want him to think I 'd make any difference .
18 And I do n't want him to get angry with you . ’
19 It 's just that sometimes — well , I do n't even know if we have a relationship , and I do n't want him thinking he can take me for granted . ’
20 As far as I 'm concerned , the incident is over and I do n't want him meddling in our affairs . ’
21 I do n't want her frazzled and I do n't want him upset in the morning cos I wan na go out and have a nice even keel then
22 And I do n't want ye tae struggle .
23 It was as if a subliminal message had passed between them ; as if she had said aloud , ‘ Look , I understand how things are between you and Alain Gebrec , but Iris does n't seem to and I do n't want her upset , ’ and as if he had responded , ‘ Do not worry , I will not say or do anything to hurt her . ’
24 Emma will be coming home soon , and I do n't want her upset — I do n't want you on the scene .
25 And I do n't want her to . ’
26 And I do n't want her to find out . ’
27 I have n't told my husband about this and I do n't want my ex to spoil what I have now .
28 ‘ I 'll be sitting at the back and I do n't want anybody showing up the firm , asking questions , telling tales , you get my meaning ? ’
29 Well I I think I I 've had my doubts from the start and I you have you 're iffy about it and I do n't want anybody whose iffy generally does n't make it with us .
30 ‘ I 'm rather poor , and I do n't want anyone to know about me . ’
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