Example sentences of "and i do [not/n't] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do not understand what they are talking about , and I do not have the knowledge to take up their suggestions .
2 And I do not have the time to leave my stall and chase after politicans .
3 Dean Smyth is transfer-listed in goal and I do n't have a Billy Caskey or Ray Morrison in midfield .
4 ‘ I do need to warm up or else I do n't have the flexibility and I do n't have the finger strength . ’
5 'I 'd tell you the whole bitter story , but you do n't have the time to listen and I do n't have the patience to explain .
6 Squandering yourself on a man like Jones is n't an actual crime , and I do n't have the right to punish it . ’
7 But I was desperate … a room was going to cost money and I did n't have a penny .
8 ‘ I was world number one and I did n't have a clue about life . ’
9 I thought er that God wanted me to be a doctor and I did n't have a place to go to , I took my A levels having had five chances of places to be a doctor and everybody saying no , we do n't want you and erm I had everybody praying for me at church and quite miraculously at the end of the August , when I should start in the September , I had a phone call at half past ten at night from a surgeon at the London Hospital asking me to go for an interview the next day .
10 Well , It was a good question and I did n't have a clue to the answer .
11 Richard and I did n't have a fantastic relationship . ’
12 Whereas if you and I did n't have a roof over our head
13 Ch king prawn chow mein with the noodles and stuff and he had whip marks all over him but anyway I ate all that and I did n't have a sweet , , did n't have a sweet and I we went out for a while and on the way home
14 And I did n't have a formula to work out what the velocity was all I did ha know was the acceleration was a constant .
15 But no , I just er added , added to them and I did n't have a letter to say that er , you know , they were coming .
16 I had to go and collect grandma you see to take her to the station , and I did n't have an awful lot of time so I just sort of ran round and collected whatever I got .
17 It was the only Italian name I could think of in a hurry and I did n't have the nerve to put on the right accent to go with it . ’
18 We all had to warm up again later and I did n't have the necessary background for that ; when we finally ran , Buster was the winner , Drew second and I came in third .
19 ‘ I was a puny little guy and I did n't have the strength or courage to do anything .
20 Yeah , ah well no , I could n't find you and erm Mick said you were on leave so I had to send it , and I did n't have the address so I had to go and ge , see George .
21 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
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