Example sentences of "and i [be] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I seek the authority of Jesus ; and I am led on by him to see the authority of the Bible .
2 We will get over it and I am getting on with the work in hand . ’
3 However , my corresponding Ego fantasy is of losing my wits to such an extent that I am unable to work ; I am living in a filthy bedsit and the floor is strewn with pieces of paper that I am unable to make sense of , final demands which have not been paid , dirty clothes , plants which have fallen over , unwashed plates and mugs — and I am curled up in a foetal ball , wishing the world would go away !
4 He said : ‘ I am 24 now and I am signed up for the next five years .
5 He said I pays my poll tax he says and I am paying out of my savings he said now what the heck will I do when my bloody savings is gone .
6 Dixie and I are dressed up for the Island .
7 Hamish and I are going over to the Island to see her next weekend .
8 ‘ Suzi and I are going back to her dance studio and she 's going to put me through the dance routine again . ’
9 When Cousteau comes back with the divers and equipment , Van Gelder and I are going down with them to have a look at this plane .
10 ‘ I told them I was prepared to answer emergencies for no pay and I 'm staying on until the end of my shift .
11 I sit and read and I 'm tightening up like this and I like that to sort of
12 And I 'm jigging out with another bag and the taxi man says er no , are there any more people ?
13 Well tough he 's not getting my , he 's not getting the ensuite room , I can tell you If I if I have got three lodgers and I 'm getting on with them and they 're they 're paying me regularly for the sake of an extra twenty pounds or whatever and the annoyance from Tony coming in at ten a or there abouts and then sitting there like a stuffed frock waiting for me to leap about and put food on a plate and microwave it not doing it , Brenda !
14 Step forward Ben Pearson of Welwyn Garden City , who writes : ‘ Dear Bizzerk , I 'm a bit of a man 's man , me , and I 'm fed up of all the blokes writing in who just want to hang around with other blokes .
15 Step forward Ben Pearson of Welwyn Garden City , who writes : ‘ Dear Bizzerk , I 'm a bit of a man 's man , me , and I 'm fed up of all the blokes writing in who just want to hang around with other blokes .
16 2 A habitual collocation of two or more words whose combined meaning is not deducible from a knowledge of its component parts and of their grammatical relations to each other : He 's a real pain in the neck , and I 'm fed up to the teeth with the mess he 's landed us in .
17 I live in a one-bedroomed flat with very little cupboard space and I 'm fed up with the piles of clothes and shoes I trip over all the time .
18 Pale and drawn , his mouth was crease-downward in a Gallic facial representation of ‘ Say nothing , I have a headache and I 'm fed up with bacon and eggs . ’
19 I left home when I was 16 , I 've travelled the world and I 'm fed up with the fun side of life .
20 And I 'm fed up with hearing about her .
21 The hostess became ill and I 'm standing in for her .
22 This is a special outing and he was supposed to be here to take charge of this lot , but the poor fellow 's down with jaundice and I 'm standing in for him .
23 ‘ I 've lived with it for long enough , but I did n't get away with it this year and I 'm running out of time , ’ said the 26-year-old European champion , who needed a pain-killing injection before the race .
24 I certainly look at television and adverts and I 'm taken in by it
25 So I was laid out in the back of the van on the bed and he 's driving down this field to put the tent , because it had little er bits you know where it 's marked out for you to camp , and I 'm driving around in the back saying , yes you 've , you 've just missed the fence there and you know .
26 Nutty , coming in late , heard Sam say , ‘ Look , I made a bet and I 'm going through with it .
27 And I 'm going out to Australia . ’
28 And I 'm going back to the south of France tomorrow .
29 You 're clicked on and I 'm going in behind you .
30 ‘ Must n't keep you , ’ said the nun , ‘ and I 'm dashing off to St Alban 's , then supper at the Restful Tray with Mother Josephine . ’
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