Example sentences of "and in [pron] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But in a brand new fitted dress into which I 'd climbed only two hours earlier , and in which I 'd never attempted the sitting position let alone … well to cut a long and visually absurd story short , I was about as likely to have a pee in that dress as I was to share a bagel with Adnan Kashoggi .
2 We did a production of The Caretaker , which I designed , directed and in which I played on for the characters . ’
3 And then the danger of lungs and in which I do quite well , and you can say to us , and we earn it .
4 Agnes began to cry , quietly at first , then it mounted into sobs , then almost into hysteria and in it she gabbled out incoherently to the three gaping sisters what had transpired from the time she had taken the linen across to the house .
5 Every morning I read the news avidly , and in it I saw gradually a possibility of believing in something again …
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