Example sentences of "and in [adj] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 America , already tied to markets in Britain , France and Scandinavia , saw the rising tide of German manufacture as a threat to its own burgeoning industries , and in 1897 raised a tariff barrier against German coal , steel , iron and textiles .
2 The balance of trade has been negative since 1982 , and in 1989 hit a record £24 billion
3 He was born in 1854 and in 1877 became a circuit minister in the United Methodist Free Church .
4 In 1931 he was awarded the Moulton medal of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and in 1954 became a vice-president of the Institution .
5 In 1842 he wrote a prologue for Westland Marston 's play , The Patrician 's Daughter , and in 1844 contributed a poem on religious intolerance , ‘ A Word in Season ’ , to an annual , The Keepsake , edited by Lady Blessington .
6 He was educated at Beaumont College , Berkshire , and in 1868 became a pupil of John Ramsbottom [ q.v. ] and later F. W. Webb [ q.v. ] in the locomotive works of the London and North Western Railway at Crewe .
7 It employs 600 people , and in 1992 made a profit of $140,000 .
8 In 1838 he accepted appointment as general superintendent of the new London and Birmingham Railway , and in 1837 became a director of the South Eastern , being its chairman from 1841 to 1845 and , as such , instrumental in the construction of the line to Paris via Folkestone and Boulogne .
9 George had a keen mathematical flair , and in 1873 became a pupil of John Wright , the locomotive , carriage , and wagon superintendent of the South Devon Railway .
10 In 1926 he was made a knight of Dannebrog ( Denmark ) and in 1929 made a knight of the Vasa ( Sweden ) .
11 After the war , in which he was gassed , he returned to Halifax and in 1920 married a typist , Ethel Waddington .
12 In 1832 Walter Henry built a Sunday School near the church , and in 1839 founded a day-school for boys while his wife began to teach young girls in the rectory .
13 He helped form Darlington 's first rambling club the Rucksack Club and in 1942 formed a branch of the Ramblers Association in the North-East .
14 Eventually Gould was to take Swainson 's point , and in 1865 published a Handbook to the Birds of Australia in two more manageable royal octavo volumes , with no illustrations and a revised text .
15 She worked at the same time for her own degree and in 1881 took a B.Sc .
16 Jaye flew the coop as soon as decently possible and in 1988 landed a job in London with the society couturiers , the Emmanuels .
17 At its height Baring Securities generated up to two-thirds of the privately-owned merchant bank 's profits and in 1988 won a Queen 's Award for Export .
18 Wyatt 's subsequent work was primarily as a country-house architect and ‘ improver ’ , although he competed unsuccessfully for a number of major public commissions and in 1816 published a Prospectus of a Design for Various Improvements in the Metropolis , in which he made radical proposals for replanning the West End .
19 He was educated at Chester Grammar School and in 1872 became a pupil of Joseph Armstrong , locomotive superintendent of the Great Western .
20 In both living and in dramatic playing a participant is continually accommodating to an image of himself as an object in order to communicate with others .
21 For a few years he was a lecturer in divinity at Hertford College and in 1911 published A Gospel Monogram .
22 They did sometimes falter against lesser teams , and in particular had a habit of losing to Crystal Palace in Cup ties , but Northampton were still rank outsiders , especially as their League performances were in the doldrums .
23 Chamberlain was deputed to handle all negotiations in his absence , and in particular to attend a meeting of the leaders of the three parties which was fixed for that same Tuesday .
24 This system is able to process images in various ways , and in particular perform a pixel count of the type used to compute the A- measure .
25 Powell began work in the library of Brasenose College in 1893 , and in 1895 became a boy helper at the Bodleian Library under E. W. B. Nicholson [ q.v . ] .
26 ANDES has criticized the way in which the mass media portray women and in 1975 staged a protest march against the Miss Universe beauty contest held in San Salvador that year .
27 He exploited the gravel deposits , built houses , and in 1818 added a chapel of ease .
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