Example sentences of "and the [noun pl] [modal v] have be " in BNC.

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1 The linkage between the columns and the rounds would have been too evident .
2 And the payments must have been planned into your cash flow , or you 'll go down .
3 Under the Commission 's system the region would have had 30 constituency seats of which , given similar hypothetical patterns of voting , the Liberals , Labour and the Conservatives might have been expected to win none , two and 28 respectively .
4 Leather Lane is a weekday market so they could not have been bought there before Monday , and the bags must have been dropped into the letterbox later that morning .
5 And the figures would have been higher still , but for a smaller rise in car offences which account for three quarters of all reported crimes .
6 And yet , they say , Earth 's temperature has remained stable , implying that life has been regulating the composition of gases , and the biota must have been controlling its own environment .
7 Time enough and soon enough to greet them in the morning 's light when the men would have said their prayers and the womenfolk would have been to Mass and a stranger with a fiddle might be a welcome diversion from the day 's chores .
8 And the bobbies may have been up there and they may just have overlooked something .
9 They would have been finished by noon , and the clothes would have been draped over rocks and bushes to bleach overnight in the moonlight .
10 It would have taken a battalion to root the fanatics out , and the casualties would have been horrendous .
11 A a server here and a few clients there networking in between and the systems may have been relatively small in terms of their total hardware capacity .
12 It will take an enormous effort to make the world just a little safer , and the resources might have been used elsewhere to greater effect .
13 ‘ I feel she and the others should have been hanged at the time and I feel the same now , ’ he said .
14 If this was coppicing , it had been somewhat fierce and the trees would have been cut back to soil level .
15 Those men , balding men with families , would have written their reports with a knowing smile , omitting anything too indelicate , and the contents would have been passed on to Urquhart 's boss , and then probably on to Spittals .
16 for it would have been possible , they argue , to move towards a system that examined knowledge and skills which crossed old subject boundaries ; a new way of looking both at the sciences and the arts could have been incorporated in the new syllabuses .
17 Intriguing but unimportant differences were that the Earth spun much faster in those early days — so the days and nights were much shorter ; and the moon was much closer , so it would have appeared vast in the sky ( if there had been any creature to observe it ) and the tides would have been far more dramatic .
18 Ideally , the teams studied might have been serving similar populations with similar levels of staffing and other resources , and the samples might have been carefully standardized .
19 All the cooking would be done by slaves , and the kitchens must have been difficult to keep clean and mice and cockroaches a familiar sight .
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