Example sentences of "and the [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is a reasonably steep walk up between the trees and the outcrops and takes about forty-five minutes .
2 Today , her Royal Highness Nick Hinton and his team will talk about the very impressive work and the tasks that lie ahead in the fifty countries and the U K in which Save The Children operates .
3 Autumn had given the trees that extra golden lustre and the leaves that had already fallen lay round about the mourners , feet like a russet carpet .
4 And the ones that have n't really bothered and were n't that good at it
5 From London to Canterbury the traffic was solid and the fumes that built up in the car made her head ache .
6 He also had to watch out for the bears that pounced on you if you stepped on the lines in the pavement , and the killer bats that hung upside down in the shadows under the roof of the railway arch , and the rats that came out of the cracks in the brickwork and infected you with their deadly diseases simply by breathing out into the same air that you breathed in .
7 Instead , she went over to the window and stared out at the bright flowers , the trees , the green of the grass and the hills that rose up gently all around the house .
8 Then you can collect up your belongings , all those things you would wish to have with you at the Hall — you will have your own bedchamber remember — and then , when you are ready , you can bolt the door and the windows and return here in the wagon . ’
9 One says the main problems are rival groups of casuals coming out of the discos and restaurants at about 4.30 , and the crowds that gather round the kebab shops .
10 All this leads to swelling and shrinkage of keratin cells , and the bonds that hold together the nail weaken , causing brittleness .
11 He had formed what later became the Prince 's Trust while he was in the Navy , and the grants that went out in the early years were paid for , anonymously , out of his naval allowance .
12 I am sure you will join me in wishing him every success through this period of transition and the challenges that lie ahead .
13 Those are some of the important reasons why the Government should be alive to the problems faced by the industry and the challenges that lie ahead .
14 Then one , two hours hard travelling — avoiding languorous Nordic motorists lulled into somnambulance by the gentle , cradling motion of their Volvos , and the squalls that hover over stretches of road , waiting to burst heavy clouds of rain on passing travellers — and then the moose .
15 She supplies the book 's hasty conclusion after the death at Lydiard Constantine of Philip — a partial picture of one side of the Battersea Grammar School Edward : At this point the people of Abercorran House — even Jessie and Aurelius- and the dogs that stretched out in death like blessedness under the sun , and the pigeons that courted and were courted in the yard and on the roof , all suddenly retreat from me when I come to that Spring in memory ; a haze of ghostly , shimmering silver veils them ; without Philip they are as people in a story whose existence I can not prove .
16 Next , in the order in which she would need them , were her flannel petticoats , her cotton bodice and frilled drawers , her black woollen stockings , her long boned stays and the combinations that had so irritated her skin when she was small .
17 This could explain why some babies only have colic in the evening , when the morning feed reaches the intestines and the bacteria that live there begin to feed on the undigested lactose .
18 Until the rebels reached Monrovia the fighting had involved few direct clashes between the government troops and the rebels and had largely consisted of tribally motivated reprisal attacks against civilians .
19 And the influences that does n't dictate and a functional group does .
20 The citadel is not open to visitors , but the hill it stands on is a good spot to zigzag your way up to , to look out over the town , the river and its basin , and the valleys that go off from it north , south , east and west .
21 One of the big problems the widower does have is that he does not feel so free to express his grief to others by weeping when he talks of his wife , their life together and the events that led up to her death .
22 There was no desk , only a big bed someone had made up with whose sheets she did not know , an armchair and a table , a cupboard , a window through which the passing trains could be seen , tube trains and Metropolitan trains and the trains that went up to the Chilterns .
23 ‘ The National Front Disco ’ is such a self-evidently silly title and the sentiments and tone so obviously satirical that you 'd have to be pretty blinkered to be offended by it .
24 I preferred doing what we call off-diary stories , not the councils and the jobs that came up as a matter of routine .
25 He felt the minute he left she and Brenda packed up themselves and the children and took off to more exotic surroundings .
26 She had switched the apartment air-conditioning off , distrusting its effect on the health , and for a while she tried to convince herself that it was the unaccustomed humidity that made her so restless , but she did n't really believe it , and the eyes that looked back at her from her bathroom mirror in the morning were shadowy , and hunted .
27 I shall set out what I see as the main objectives and the minefields that lie ahead .
28 The companies and the workforces that came out of it we were far leaner , more committed , and more aware of the need for change than their predecessors had ever been .
29 management services and branches and what systems have been reduced and the branches that have actually kept the ones they 're on to .
30 And and the tinkers that came there .
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