Example sentences of "and the [noun sg] of [noun prp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this there is a kind of truth ( for Tolkien was kind-hearted about things like the ‘ evacuation ’ of Minas Tirith and the survival of Bill the pony ) , but also an evident falsehood .
2 Grimma told him about events in the quarry — the fight with the humans , and the stealing of Jekub the earth-mover to escape .
3 In terms of regional differences , East Anglia reported the highest proportion of companies that had raised R&D spending , and the southwest of England the lowest .
4 The University of Essex has a multidisciplinary first year , and the University of Sussex an initial two-term preliminary course .
5 We pray that each member of the church in our land may know the love of God the Father , the strength of God the Holy Spirit and the friendship of God the Son , and be willing to share their faith with those who are not yet followers of our Saviour .
6 At the finish they 'd covered around 1,400 miles and climbed 400,000ft — roughly a marathon every day and the height of Everest every four days .
7 He became the secretary of a standing committee of veterinary surgeons dedicated to petitioning the Privy Council for a Royal Charter ‘ conferring upon the graduates of the Royal Veterinary College and the College of Edinburgh the title of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons , upon the same plan and constitution as the present Royal College of Surgeons ’ .
8 Montenegro trebled its area at Turkey 's expense by the Treaty of San Stefano in 1878 , but the treaty was never ratified , and the Congress of Berlin a few months later forced Montenegro to surrender some of its gains .
9 The Blue Mosque and the Mosque of Suleiman the Magnificent were more impressive from outside ; but inside them I was conscious of confinement .
10 She can remember Queen Victoria 's diamond Jubilee , and the coronation of Edward The Seventh .
11 Cam Head the high point , and the hamlet of Starbotton the third point of the triangle .
12 The birth of Eva and the arrival of Margaret a couple of years later completed the family .
13 In the abbey church of St Hilary in Poitiers where , four years earlier , Earl Patrick of Salisbury had been buried , he took his seat in the abbot 's chair to receive from the hands of the Archbishop of Bordeaux and the Bishop of Poitiers the sacred lance and banner which were the insignia of the ducal office .
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