Example sentences of "and the [noun sg] [modal v] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Handling under power is very simple and the yacht can be brought to a stop from full speed ahead within her own overall length .
2 It is only the most recent work that has been of an acceptable standard in this respect , and the finding may be summarised as showing a modest correlation between the level of lead in the blood and hyperactivity in children , and between high blood levels and low intelligence , with the latter conclusion more firmly established .
3 This part of the canal is being restored and the mill-wheel will be replaced .
4 They need somewhere warm and soft to sleep and the bed should be made twice as thick as it is normally .
5 ‘ Bill will sleep in the spare room until the baby 's born , and the bed will be stored away . ’
6 6.2 The Publisher shall be responsible for commissioning any artwork and obtaining stills shots from the video components of the Work for use in the preparation of the books components of the Work and the cost shall be borne by the Publisher .
7 Having decided that the redundancy costs fall to be treated as a liability , it is probable that there will be an outflow of resources and the cost can be measured with reliability .
8 The consultation period for the highly controversial document officially closed at the weekend and the board will be preparing its response to the public comments .
9 The Temples of Hatour and Seti I , Ramses II and the Osireion may be seen before the return by boat to Luxor .
10 An investigation found that accesses should remain clear , headlights on the fork-lift truck should be mounted on the roof and the cabin should be fitted with demisting equipment .
11 He left a meticulously explanatory note on her dressing-table to say that he and the child would be telephoning , and went to ground at the airport hotel .
12 Lord Meston submits that the relevant facts of that case are remarkably comparable to the facts of this case , for the mother 's assertion that there would be a grave risk of an intolerable situation for the child largely depends upon the financial circumstances in which she and the child would be placed if they were to be returned to Canada .
13 Once the cerebral palsy has occurred , it will not deteriorate , and the child must be taught to learn to cope with the handicap .
14 As in the static model , the basis for comparison is of critical importance , and the question may be posed in several ways .
15 The one-night stand is an obvious high-risk adventure and the question should be asked , ‘ Do I find myself in bed with this person because I am the most attractive/ vivacious/brawny/amusing person that he/she has ever met or , if that is not true , what was he/she doing last night , and the night before , and the night before ?
16 There is no doubt that these issues need to be addressed and the question should be posed ; where now are the Banks ' plans which were going to ensure a smooth change without any adverse implications for members ?
17 The court also has power to order transfer of its own motion and the question should be considered at a very early stage in the proceedings .
18 For the moment , most essential academic freedoms remain , and the question can be answered in the affirmative , with the tongue only slightly in the cheek .
19 This factor of material prosperity , which was already cited by Sombart ( 1906 ) at the beginning of this century as a partial explanation of the absence of any large-scale socialist movement in the US , acquired particularly great importance in the period following the Second World War , when economic growth took place more rapidly than ever before , and the question could be posed as to whether the US did not simply show to capitalist Europe the image of its own future — a future that would be characterized by a decline of the socialist movement , and indeed of all ideological revolutionary parties and movements .
20 If blood-sugar level rises too high then sugar also appears in the urine and the person may be regarded as a diabetic .
21 As noted above , the decision in Geo Mitchell ( Chesterhall ) Ltd v Finney Lock Seeds Ltd [ 1983 ] 2 AC 803 shows that if a person settles claims without relying on their standard terms , those terms may be judged unreasonable and the person may be prevented from relying on them .
22 Georgina 's father says that boy could also have died and the law must be tightened up .
23 The peso and the austral would be allowed to co-exist for around six months , but with cheques in australes valid only until March 31 .
24 A glimmer of lightning lit the window again , and the thunder could be heard , distant and muted .
25 As styles can only be applied to whole paragraphs , you do n't have to be too careful about selecting text ; just pop the cursor anywhere in the block and the formatting will be applied to the whole paragraph .
26 A plastic cistern must be well supported : 230 litres of water weighs a lot and the cistern should be placed over an internal loadbearing wall for extra support .
27 This means among other things , that the ties between the magazine and the Fellowship will be reinforced with the assurance of collaborative potency for the future .
28 Public protests against the closure of a weekly braille class in Redcar 's Grosmont Centre has persuaded Cleveland social services to reconsider its decision and the session will be reinstated .
29 However , this £200 had to take into account the expense of all the other public revenue services received by the client : the costs of the other services were deducted from the notional £200 and the residue could be used to buy in extra home support . ’
30 D5 should glow red ( ‘ Reset ’ mode ) and operating switch S1 to ‘ Start ’ should change D5 to green and the relay should be heard to click in .
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