Example sentences of "and there [vb mod] [be] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Right , and there might be another reason as well .
2 In smaller businesses , job reviews may only take place when the time comes to decide on salary increases and there might be little consultation with the majority of members of staff .
3 The bus company says an investigation is under way and there may be disciplinary action .
4 Occasionally there are situations where two techniques can be used , and there may be good reason to apply both so that they provide supporting evidence for each other ( for example , see p. 134 for the use of TL and uranium series dating at Pontnewydd Cave ) .
5 A high proportion of affected subjects are therefore compound heterozygotes rather than homozygotes , although particular mutations may occur with a frequency of over 60% in certain populations and there may be close association with particular haplotypes , indicating that founder effect has had an important influence on the distribution of mutations across nations .
6 The manager can say this and that and it looks good on paper and there may be great reasoning behind it .
7 And there may be much truth in this — all professions in the US face the same problem , because a small group of lawyers are using the tort system to benefit not only their client but themselves , often operating on a contingency fee basis with no cost to the client .
8 Teething with green , foul diarrhoea smelling of rotten eggs and there may be colicky pain and bloating .
9 These cause diarrhoea with progressive emaciation and there may be high mortality in heavily infected flocks .
10 Secondary infection with other bacteria sometimes occurs and there may be widespread tissue destruction leading to loss of the penis in some cases .
11 Run-off is increased , especially on slopes , and there may be marked compaction or other deterioration of the soil structure .
12 However , they will be drawn from the same list of topics that 're on the first and there may be some overlap .
13 But I , I mean I use it as a , that may be the psychology behind it , but I use it as a bad example of , for obvious reasons , and there 's a real bad example , and there may be some politics behind it , there 's What I think is a good example : ‘ Southeast Arts ’ sorry , ‘ Southeast Tourist Board , South of England Board . ’
14 Go and have your bath , and there 'll be some breakfast ready for you when you come out . "
15 And there 'll be less fuss .
16 As for Oreste , he talks fluently now and it is of course English and there would be much confusion for him .
17 Former Top 40 presenter Tony Blackburn said : ‘ In the old days I think it meant something to be the Christmas No. 1 and there would be great excitement in the run-up to the last chart .
18 It may yet prove attractive for one of those two international firms to be purchased , and there would be substantial competition in order to acquire an executive search firm with such a famous international brand name .
19 The Netherlands retained its open policy on drug use but would help other members to combat trafficking , and there would be greater co-operation to stop the illegal movement of guns , ammunition and explosives .
20 Not so long ago , if any such points of ambiguity arose regarding one 's duties , one had the comfort of knowing that before long some fellow professional whose opinion one respected would be accompanying their employer to the house , and there would be ample opportunity to discuss the matter .
21 It was hard for an English girl to get a secretarial job in New York these days — she had been lucky in getting her work permit before the restrictions were so stringent — but maybe one day the conditions would change and there would be more work permits available .
22 Some groups can be more individualistic where the individual identifies less strongly , there are fewer icons , there 's less erm dogmatic er certainty about doctrine and so on , so more room for an individual variation and those groups will be relatively er looser and there would be less identification of the individual with the leader or the leading principals .
23 Consequently , the Civil Justice Review recommended that there should be a single costs regime for High Court and County Court actions , except for county court actions below £3,000 , since in such smaller cases fixed costs should be attractive and there would be less desire to seek to take such actions in the High Court .
24 The other catfish would also have to be left out , and there would be little scope for adding more fish later , but if you bear this in mind , you could create a comparable scene in a 36″ tank for quite a bit less outlay .
25 For example , it may be permissible to use the Apple logo for brandy ( providing it has not been registered against the wines and spirits class ) and there would be little danger of the public thinking it had anything to do with the computer company .
26 On a mixed farm , there would be a larger number of buildings for cattle , while on a pastoral farm the reduced need for waggon horses caused the stables to be small and there would be little accommodation for crops .
27 Rents for state housing were to be increased to market levels , students in higher education were to pay part of their fees , and there would be further privatization of state assets .
28 Such weapons should be banned and there should be tighter control on their manufacture and import .
29 The voice and movement work is very important but the professional requirements have changed , particularly in respect of film and television and there should be more training in this area .
30 However , he says that it should be built of brick and slate , access from Rosebery Road should be considered , and there should be 24 parking spaces .
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