Example sentences of "and will [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Suitable fair warranties and indemnities will be granted for taxation and other specific matters and will be limited in aggregate amount , time of liability and by a minimum aggregate amount before any claim can be made .
2 The event has and will be commemorated in various ways throughout the year , but the principal exhibition , Sovereign , rightly takes place in London , and in the most famous museum associated with the Crown , the Victoria and Albert .
3 It is also usually appropriate to emphasise that this work will be carried out by non — MAS teams and will be governed by separate terms of engagement .
4 The subsidies will amount to approximately £180 per car , and will be implemented by temporary exemption from automobile tax .
5 What follows is abstract and will be developed in subsequent chapters , but the points are so obvious that they can be stated now .
6 Some , such as froghoppers ( ‘ cuckoo spit ’ ) and flea beetles , cause little more than cosmetic damage and will be tolerated by healthy plants .
7 These measures have the full endorsement of the Labour party , which also welcomes the fact that notices about the law will be made extensively available for display by the retail trade and will be fixed to automatic vending machines by operators .
8 The stage will be built facing the main stand and will be flanked by giant video screens .
9 The club is recognised by the English Golf Union and by the Ladies Golf Union , and will be run on traditional lines .
10 As such it is seen as the first part of a larger work , to be completed by sequel works of a similar kind but which will be separately specified and will be covered by separate agreements in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in Clause 14.1 .
11 It aims to offer information and support to callers on a special ‘ phone service and will be staffed by trained and supervised volunteers , using a special database of all statutory and voluntary health care services .
12 The other is in European and Comparative Law , under the auspices of the Law Board , and will be related in particular to the degree of M.Juris. , a one-year postgraduate degree , and to a new four-year undergraduate degree in Law , one year of which is spent at a European university .
13 Meanwhile , the Government recently announced cuts in funding to aids groups , amid speculation it 's to lose its special status and will be funded like other serious illnesses , such as heart disease .
14 The Institute will be housed in a Regency terrace house in central London and will be funded by private capital .
15 They will take on responsibility for countryside management and access in the whole of the Sussex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONB ) between Harting in the west and Eastbourne in the east , and will be consulted on significant planning applications in the area .
16 These improvements are expected to become available in the summer , and will be followed by similar modifications for the Piper Arrow .
17 This is greatly appreciated and will be put to good use in furthering the protection of the beautiful Welsh countryside .
18 The central development of courses and units will assist this process , as not only will HN unit exemplars be made widely available but also the experience and staff development received by NDOs and Unit Writers at SCOTVEC will be extremely valuable and will be put to good use by their respective colleges .
19 Your gift is urgently needed and will be put to immediate use .
20 Off-market purchases An off-market purchase , as distinct from a market purchase , must be sanctioned by a special resolution ( s164 ) and will be effected by private contract .
21 Its telescope will have a mirror 60 cm across , and will be cooled by liquid helium to a temperature of only a few degrees above absolute zero ; and its detectors will be sensitive to wavelengths up to a maximum of 120 micrometres .
22 The sales will incorporate consignments in the £400 ( $700 ) to £1200 ( $2,100 ) price range and will be devoted to European Decorative Arts from 1600 to 1940 and Oriental Art from around 300 BC to 1916 .
23 They will drop the title Town and will be known as Athletic .
24 The health districts of Cheltenham and Gloucester are being combined next month and will be known in future as Gloucestershire Health Authority
25 This junction is intended for use by local traffic only and will be signed to local destinations , longer-distance traffic being directed to leave the bypass via the Calder Road interchange .
26 In general , these tasks will be initiated by the Computer Group at the request of a lexicographer , and will be processed outside normal working hours .
27 The next , much shorter section runs " ( B ) COSSACKS ( i ) Cossacks will be treated as Soviet Nationals and will be returned to Russian hands .
28 After transfer of entries from the Working-Set , the space used for that dictionary range is returned to the system and will be re-used for other tables .
29 However Microsoft is expected to offer a single-user version of SQL Server for NT that will appear at the same time as the operating system which , according to reports , may cost less than $1,500 , and will be targeted at value-added resellers , integrators and corporate developers .
30 However , Microsoft is expected to offer a single-user version of SQL Server for NT that 'll appear at the same time as the operating system which , according to reports , may cost less than $1,500 , and will be targeted at value-added resellers , integrators and corporate developers .
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