Example sentences of "and which [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This , from an administration which routinely blocks moves to a cleaner sea , which gives occasional wrist slaps to regular industrial polluters , which encourages the import of dangerous waste for processing , which has starved rail freight services and increased road haulage and which somehow thinks the answer to the giant car-park which masquerades as the M25 is to add yet more lanes in which to crawl .
2 You are incorporating humus on which the beneficial bacteria thrive and which both drains the soil of surplus moisture , yet holds it in the right degree .
3 The nouveaux romanciers themselves have been reluctant to embrace the term , which has tended to occur on those occasions when parallels are bring drawn with novelists in other countries , as at the New York nouveau roman conference in 1982 which many of them attended and which also saw the participation of several leading American postmodernists .
4 The 700 delegates approved a series of wide-ranging policies which highlighted the organization 's commitment to a democratic , accountable , bicameral parliament and which also emphasized the necessity for a bill of rights .
5 The programme 's main focus is a series of booklets and magazines that deal with social and spiritual issues , and which also encourage a sense of mutual support among young Christians .
6 The company , which makes polythene bags and which also has a recycling programme , believes a plan by Germany will not help the rest of the EC or the environment at large .
7 A mortgage valuation may be considered sufficient for a lending institution able to spread the risk across many loans , and which also has the benefit of the security of each borrower 's income as well as the property .
8 This wide boulevard forms the impressive ( some would say interminable ) Viale delle Regioni , which winds its way for miles through what were once the Milanese suburbs , and which today form an area close to the heart of metropolitan Milan .
9 Bourdieu and Goldthorpe give us some preliminary insights into why a particularly dominant social group should engage in a postmodern way of life ; one which stems from social mobility , high incomes and which largely sets the pace for the remainder of the population .
10 A similar lesson was being provided by the surge of nationalism in Asia and Africa , which precipitated the end of the colonial era and which geographically entailed a retreat back to Europe .
11 It was argued on behalf of the respondents that the doctrine applied to a covenant which was imposed for the benefit of the trade of the covenantee and which either forbids the covenantor to carry on his trade or restricts the way in which he may carry it on .
12 Any drill which requires changes in word order , whether optional or obligatory , which requires the addition or deletion of grammatical constituents such as not and which further exacts the alteration of grammatical pairs such as already and yet , can be called a transformational drill .
13 Luca Ciferri remembers the car that presaged the immortal Ferrari Dino and which still influences the design of today 's sports cars
14 This is an upper triangular matrix T , of which the diagonal elements are the(real) eigenvalues in descending order of modulus , and which still retains the element A14 in the top right position .
15 The orientation changed to ‘ Fürsorgeerziehung ’ ( literally ‘ welfare education ’ ) in the first comprehensive national law reform of 1896 ( the Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch , BGB ) which came into force in 1900 and which still forms the basis , for example , for involuntary reception into care in cases where parents ‘ abuse their parental power ’ ( s. 1666 ) .
16 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
17 I suggest buying a new cone of yarn , unless you happen to have one in the cupboard that is untouched and which still has the price paid for it .
18 A simple extension is to provide a particular value of the tag field which does not specify a data format , and which always causes an error condition to be signalled whenever an operand is accessed with this value in the tag field .
19 The controversy which surrounded these events , and which periodically exercised the District Executive and enlivened the District Council , took place at a time when tutor-organisers were less established figures than they were to be in the 1960s and 1970s .
20 There are in staffrooms ( as there are in every institution ) tacit rules that define what is collectively thought of as normal , acceptable , odd or inept and which therefore influence the kind of reputation and influence an individual has .
21 The old capital of the Barétous was Aramits , which is eight miles due east of Tardets , and which once had an abbey but today has nothing very much .
22 The tiger-stripe silk velvet seats on Queen Anne walnut chairs , the leopard carpet , and the monumental tusks of elephants Winston bagged before the war and which now dominate the hall all combine for an effect that is whimsical rather than opulent .
23 It seems to us natural that love should be the commonest theme of serious imaginative literature : but a glance at classical antiquity or at the Dark Ages at once shows us that what we took for " nature " is really a special state of affairs , which will probably have an end , and which certainly had a beginning
24 Martial law , which was imposed in 1949 and which greatly hindered the development of an effective opposition to the ruling Kuomintang ( KMT — Nationalist Party ) , was revoked in July 1987 and replaced by a National Security Law [ see pp. 35378-79 ] .
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