Example sentences of "and that [vb mod] be [num] of " in BNC.

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1 Erm and that may be one of the way is which apparently affectionate abuse , if you can call it that , erm may be er in some ways more difficult to deal with than er than more frankly violent abuse .
2 which we can be sure , or think we can be sure , of biological connection is always very narrow ; but sociological kinship , which depends only on our willingness to slot individuals into particular verbal categories , can be extended as far as we like , or rather as far as local convention requires , and that may be thousands of miles and include many thousands of individuals .
3 And that will be one of Mains ' main tests for the year .
4 We seek to promote non-proliferation and disarmament , and that will be one of the matters to be discussed at the United Nations Security Council meeting that I shall chair next week .
5 And that will be one of the implication lower figures .
6 Yes , I think there is a fair point there but er I do n't know whether you listeners appreciate that nobody at all , whether disabled or not will have to repay the student loan after they 've graduated if their income is below 85% of the national average wage , which is currently 11,500 pounds , er we are recognising that they do face some additional costs er when they 've graduated and that should be taken into account and that will be one of the things in our concession .
7 ‘ He saw things before anyone else and that must be one of most frustrating things for him as a manager , because he ca n't do anything about it now .
8 Now one of the things that we have in this city that I do n't think they have as many in Ipswich are students and that must be one of the biggest , they are they party revellers of the century , they have parties all the time .
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