Example sentences of "and she could [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their commitment to each other was made , after all , and she could n't expect Rohan to jettison every other aspect of his life in her favour .
2 Naylor thought Travis was her lover , and she could n't tell Naylor that he was n't — not without bringing in Rosemary across the corridor .
3 Stupid she might be to try to protect her sister , but old habits clung and she could n't abandon Dana to Roman 's anger .
4 Carrie tried to mop up the mess with the edge of the table cloth and put a mat under the worst of it to stop the damp marking the table , but her hands seemed all thumbs and she could n't stop crying .
5 And she could n't get David 's kisses and caresses out of her mind .
6 It was nothing to do with her and she could not understand Sara 's love of the old house .
7 Alice loitered around for a while , and no one came in or out , and she could not see Comrade Andrew through the downstairs windows , for the curtains were drawn .
8 But her mouth was dry with tension , and she could only manage orange juice and coffee .
9 Darkness whirled round her , and she could hardly see Fand any more ; only the spear-tip burned , like a dim flame .
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