Example sentences of "and we [verb] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We went out there and we looked at the bone , we compared the bone and we returned that bone . ’
2 And we only found it by chance , you know how you go off to think oh I 'll , I 'll go and find a coffee or something , and we found this restaurant at lunch time and had a coffee there and we looked at the menu and , you know , we , we could n't believe it !
3 I pushed open the door and we looked at the hole in the floor .
4 Harvey produced a couple of cigars and we looked at the glow above the dark city and smoked , and Harvey said , ‘ It 's a millionaire 's toy , ’ and I said , ‘ Yes , with eight million working parts . ’
5 After breakfast at the palace all the inmates are thrown out , whatever the weather , and the only place he can take his child is outside : " Usually I take my little boy at weekends to the fair at Whitley Bay , or I take him on the metro and we sit at the front — he loves trains .
6 Yes I well remember er I use when I was staying down at Trimley there was erm a lady there who worked in the Billeting Department , who ca who herself was evacuated from London and er , I used to catch the same bus with her but she never would speak to me , erm and erm one morning er she lived down at Curton and one morning they had some erm er German planes over Curton and they were doing some machine gunning and that sort of thing and erm and we met at the bus stop and she was full of it and erm that sort of broke the ice it was
7 Well quite a lot , we we went out with them for a meal last night erm we had an interpreter who who was the only one that could speak English but it was it was well worth the evening , it did a lot for relationships and I think that there should be more of this in football , that off the field people should get to know each other a lot better and we felt at the end of the evening that it had been well worthwhile .
8 Race 's power to surprise fades as we progress through the 400-odd pages of ‘ raw ’ talk and we arrive at the conclusion more exhausted than enthralled .
9 I said to and we stopped at the market on the way back .
10 The journey itself was pretty tiring , taking 21 hours in total and we arrived at the hotel at 5am .
11 And we look at the slip and we think oh yeah ,
12 Erm and it , it was us , I mean not only do we , I mean we develop her a a response , that means , we , we work with Councillor 's we work with Senior Officer 's in other departments and we look at the policy angles , like for example with , with that piece of legislation , when , when we first realised what the impact for that legislation was , it was gon na mean that we were ten million pound short in our housing money basically , that was , that was what it looked like on the surface and you think oh my god how you gon na make up for that short fall , that would mean an eleven pound a week rise in rent , that 's what it worked out as , so , well we ca n't do that , how , and then you have to look at the legislation and you say what are the loop holes here , and erm , and it involves contacting outside organisations and getting there opinion and finding out what other Council 's are doing and responding to things like this , and we did come up with a way , of , of reducing that deficit , but that 's the kind of thing we do .
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