Example sentences of "and on the [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 These shares are held by the investors , and on the triggering of the ratchet — the achievement of certain projections or market capitalisation on a flotation , for example — all or some of the convertible redeemable preference shares will be redeemed ; but if the results fall short of what is expected then they will be converted into ordinary shares and as a result increase the investor 's share of the equity at the expense of the proportion held by management .
2 Local Christians took over our cinema to show the film Jesus of Nazareth and on the eve of the opening , the resident poltergeist threw a fit behind the closed doors of the projection room .
3 Some three months after the bombing , at the very end of the old year and on the eve of the next one , choosing the date with a certain bitter amusement , Edouard left the house at St-Cloud in the late evening , and drove , alone , into the centre of Paris .
4 Foreign capital accounted for half the new capital in industry between 1909 and 1913 , and on the eve of the war 47 per cent of the joint-stock capital in Russian industry was foreign owned .
5 Few could go so far as Musurus Pasha , who during his thirty-five years as Turkish ambassador in London staffed the embassy entirely with his sons , nephews and sons-in-law ; but even in the most developed states of western Europe and on the eve of the 1914 conflict family influences could still be important .
6 8.22–24 , 30 ) ; in sacrificial ritual generally , the main activity of the Temple at Jerusalem , the principal feature was the dashing of the blood of animals on the horns of the altar and on the floor of the sanctuary ( Exod.
7 Tories have been battling with each other in the Commons , on TV , in the newspapers and on the floor of the Tory Party conference with a ferocity never seen this century .
8 It clearly covers , debates , questions and everything said and done by a member both in committee and on the floor of the House .
9 We spent some 200 hours , in Committee and on the Floor of the House , spelling out the fact that the tax was unfair , unworkable and extremely expensive to administer .
10 In Committee and on the Floor of the House , the Opposition have made a series of spending pledges with other people 's money , and pledges to slash the profits of industries that need profits in order to invest .
11 Although I appreciate that no one should at present , and on the Floor of the House , talk lightheartedly about the deployment of military forces in Northern Ireland , will my right hon. Friend bear in mind the considerable virtue that many would feel if the border with the Irish Republic were more effectively supervised hereafter ?
12 I hope that when the Bill goes to another place the words recorded in the Official Report , spoken both in Committee and on the Floor of the House , will be examined carefully and that what we have started will be built upon to make the Bill even better than it is .
13 To the north there is a natural mound with a small standing stone on its south side and on the top of the mound a deposit of charred branches , twigs and nuts was found under the peat and carbon dated 1300–1360 BC .
14 A long time member of the Scottish Arts Council , George also served on the Arts Council of Great Britain and on the board of the British Film Institute — his down-to-earth assessments of proposals not always going down well at meetings of these organisations in London .
15 For values of k< 1 the pull-out torque/speed characteristic is asymptotic to the 7=0 axis and the parallel expression to Eqn — [ 5.15(b) ] gives the pull-out torque of the variable-reluctance motor at high speeds : The motor parameter k is given by : The parameter k depends on the ratio of the motor inductances ( L , /L ) and on the ratio of the d.c. to fundamental voltage components ( V/V ) , which is a function of the excitation scheme .
16 That decision was based primarily not on procedural defects but on interpretations of the words of the statute and on the notion of the fiduciary duty .
17 Their job will be to advise on defence tactics and on the acceptability of the offer terms and , possibly , to lobby for a referral of the bid to the appropriate merger control authority .
18 Th the reality is that elsewhere in West Sussex erm the business allocations are erm reasonably generous or indeed slightly over generous and er therefore er overall the concern i is very much reduced erm but it might also be just worth mentioning that erm although er there is clearly an opportunity for this committee , this planning authority , the strategic planning authority to , to question figures of this nature and to challenge local plans if they are significantly adrift erm that has to be done in the context of the the local plan enquiry by er in the form of an objection almost and past experience has been that the inspectors and the Secretary of State have allowed a certain amount of leeway depending on the erm proportional er deviation from erm th the figures that were in the structure plan and depending on what is happening elsewhere and on the state of the economy and whilst it would be something which erm it was possible to prepare a case for erm i it is o on , on the balance of erm er the various things that are , that are taking place in West Sussex that the recommendation i is , is put to you that and it seems to be the reasonable course of action , particularly bearing in mind the downturn in , in er erm the er business activity and the er amount of developments taking place .
19 Richard Dreyfuss was booked one week and on the night of the show a confusion over dates and times led his film company to arrange a business call that linked up Los Angeles , London , Australia and New York and he just had to be there .
20 And on the night of the final reaping , there 's a great harvest supper , after which the men would stay guard around the great heaps of grain which were ready to winnowed early the following morning .
21 On the application so to vary the implied undertaking , the applicants undertaking to the court to hold them for the strictly limited purpose of defending the libel proceedings brought against the applicants by the two reinstated officers , and on the question of the effect of public interest immunity : —
22 So it 's an impact outside of just closing down the car factory , and on the question of the effects on the community .
23 The calculation of the maturity value of your Bond will be based on the average levels of the FT-SE 100 Index at or about 11.00 am and at or about 3.00 pm London Time on the commencement date of your Bond and on the level of the FT-SE 100 Index prevailing at or about 11.00 am London Time on the maturity date of your Bond .
24 The Roche-limit depends on the mass of the more massive body and on the density of the less massive body : the greater the mass the further the limit , and the greater the density the smaller the limit .
25 The offeror must also consider the impact of the consideration to be offered on both itself and on the structure of the takeover .
26 Among them was G. H. Hitchings , who had worked at Harvard on the quantitative estimation of purines and on the purification of the anti-anaemia principle in liver , and at Western Reserve on studies which led later to the discovery of folic acid .
27 The move was criticized by the DAP , the Malaysian Bar Council and the human rights organization Amnesty International as an attack on human rights and on the independence of the judiciary .
28 Undoubtedly , the players are responding to their new manager , who is determined to bring about a revival , and on the evidence of the last three games will do so .
29 South Africa stands in apparent contrast to the rest of the states considered here : a regional military superpower with a relatively strong and diversified economy , built on its mineral wealth and on the exploitation of the cheap labour of its black majority .
30 I had gone too far and experienced too much , I needed to slow down , to get back to the small things , the practical things , to measuring and cutting and fixing , and it was with relief that I noticed that daylight had begun to invade the room , I kept quite still , I held the glass firmly in my gaze , gradually the elements already worked on began to emerge , some more clearly than others , some in outline only and some only when they impeded the free flow of light through the glass , until the sun came up and was reflected back from the windows of the house opposite and I could sit and look at the glass and think back through the work and the mistakes and the few successes , and sense again with that sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach that the whole of the right hand side of the lower panel was still a mess , nothing there had been resolved , but then I drew back from that , though it kept trying to pull me back to itself , and concentrated on what was beginning to work , on the left hand areas both top and bottom and on the elegance of the frame and the joy of seeing the bare walls and the wainscoting appear through the empty areas , and as I moved round so different parts of the room appeared and the relation of the surface of the glass to what lay behind changed , precision and fluidity , precision and fluidity , he wrote , choice and chance , not choice alone and chance alone but the two together , that is why delay , not stoppage and not flow but delay , delay in glass , he wrote , as when the plane is late and you should have been gone , have already arrived perhaps , but you are still there , or the sprinter beats the gun and the whole field is called back , the race could have been over but it has not yet started .
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