Example sentences of "and that it [was/were] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Left believed , and there is little evidence to the contrary even after 30 years of " revisionist " history , that the National government was willing to make concessions out of all proportion to those necessary and that it was supported by influential people who were quite willing to see Hitler at war with the Soviet Union .
2 At the same time a large majority of voters thought that the press was biased , and that it was biased towards the Conservatives , against Labour , and against the Alliance .
3 Dr Mumby said that the letter had been stolen and was therefore inadmissible , and that it was written in jest .
4 Only the walls heard this delirious talk , but I was suddenly seized by a guilty fear , and became convinced that the two children were taking it in and that it was ringing in Aisha 's ears at work , and I rushed to pack my suitcase before she came back .
5 She held firm because she knew that the road to compromise was without signposts , that the possibilities for getting lost were manifold and that it was paved with flawed imitations of the truth .
6 I thought — it was silly I know , but I thought perhaps seeing Aubrey had reminded you of Madeleine and that it was going to be as awful as it was when you came back from England after that holiday .
7 In hospital they told me they were going to do a routine examination and that it was going to be a twist in the scrotum or it was going to be a tumour ; and it might be benign or it might be malignant .
8 I felt very positive about it and that it was coming out the way we hoped it would .
9 Is he aware of the concern expressed by Amnesty International and the United Nations committee on torture , and that it was recommended by Lord Colville , the Government 's own adviser , and by the independent police complaints body and the Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights ?
10 He also rejected arguments that the transcript did not fall within the term ‘ documents ’ in s 2(3) of the 1987 Act and that it was protected from disclosure by legal professional privilege .
11 During the 1880s and 1890s populist economists insisted that Russian capitalism was an artificial product of state policy , and that it was doomed by the weakness of the domestic market and its inability to compete abroad .
12 This has led to speculations that life may have originated in the depths of space and that it was brought to the Earth by meteorites .
13 Rostovtzeff identified the head he thought had been the top of this object as that of Commodus , and that it was associated with the cult of Commodus-Hercules .
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